光学学报, 2009, 29 (4): 1058, 网络出版: 2009-04-27   


Correlation of Differential Laser Gyro’s Performance and Room Temperature
国防科学技术大学光电科学与工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410073
室温条件下温度对四频激光陀螺零漂的影响非常复杂, 为尝试定性找出温度影响陀螺零漂的机理, 对室温下陀螺零漂、表面温度、两路信号的光强差及光强和、两臂放电电流差以及和频进行实时监控测试, 通过分析计算各个参数与温度的相关系数, 得出以下结论:四频激光陀螺各个参数与温度的相关系数随陀螺运行时间的长短而不同, 并且陀螺各参数与温度相关系数的逐次偏差也较大, 陀螺室温下的温度补偿对四频激光陀螺性能的改善十分有限; 室温下和频与温度具有较好的线性关系, 但线性比例系数是变化的。
The infection of the room temperature to the differential laser gyro’s null shift is very complex. In order to finding out the infection mechanism, surface temperature, gyro’s null shift, laser intensity difference and sum between the two signals, current difference between the two arms discharge and the sum frequency are tested at the same time. Through analyzing and calculating the correlation coefficient between temperature and other, parameters, it is found that the correlation between the gyro’s parameters and surface temperature is different along with testing time. It’s also different between different experiments, so the effect of temperature compensation is limited. The sum frequency is proportional linearly to the temperature, but the linearly proportional coefficient is different along with testing time and different experiments.

王国臣, 杨建强. 四频激光陀螺性能与室温的相关性研究[J]. 光学学报, 2009, 29(4): 1058. Wang Guochen, Yang Jianqiang. Correlation of Differential Laser Gyro’s Performance and Room Temperature[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2009, 29(4): 1058.

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