Zhengyu Chen 1,2Bin He 1,2Zichen Yin 1,2Zhangwei Hu 1,2[ ... ]Ping Xue 1,2,*
Author Affiliations
1 State Key Laboratory of Low-dimensional Quantum Physics and Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2 Frontier Science Center for Quantum Information, Beijing, China
3 Jinsp Company Limited, Beijing, China
4 Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
5 Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security Beijing, China
6 Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, School of Clinical Medicine and Institute of Precision Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
In this paper, we present a distal-scanning common path probe for optical coherence tomography (OCT) equipped with a hollow ultrasonic motor and a simple and specially designed beam-splitter. This novel probe proves to be able to effectively circumvent polarization and dispersion mismatch caused by fiber motion and is more robust to a variety of interfering factors during the imaging process, experimentally compared to a conventional noncommon path probe. Furthermore, our design counteracts the attenuation of backscattering with depth and the fall-off of the signal, resulting in a more balanced signal range and greater imaging depth. Spectral-domain OCT imaging of phantom and biological tissue is also demonstrated with a sensitivity of 100dB and a lateral resolution of 3μm. This low-cost probe offers simplified system configuration and excellent robustness, and is therefore particularly suitable for clinical diagnosis as one-off medical apparatus.
Common path optical coherence tomography endoscopic probe 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2024, 17(3): 2350034
刘硕 1,2朱疆 1,2,*陈旭东 1,2王重阳 1,2[ ... ]樊凡 1,2
1 北京信息科技大学仪器科学与光电工程学院,北京 102206
2 北京信息科技大学光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室,北京 102206
光学相干层析成像(OCT)是一种高空间分辨率的光学成像方法,可以对生物组织进行非接触、无标记的二维截面和三维体积成像,能为临床疾病的诊断提供具有重要参考价值的影像信息。在传统的台式OCT系统中,扫描探头被固定在工作台上,探头结构较大,灵活性差,不利于深入狭小腔体内部成像或在床旁检测。本团队设计了一种视频引导的手持式高速OCT系统,其手持探头结构紧凑、体积小巧,便于抓取和深入狭小腔体内部;探头内部集成了相机成像功能,可以实时获得成像区域的视频图像,引导OCT成像。该系统的A线扫描速率可以达到200 kHz。为了克服成像过程中的抖动问题,本团队提出了图像自动配准算法,该算法能显著提高图像质量。采用该系统对离体猪眼角膜和离体猪牙齿进行成像,以验证系统的性能。结果显示该系统能够高速获取高分辨的组织图像。
医用光学 光学相干层析成像 手持探头 图像配准 
2024, 51(9): 0907015
Author Affiliations
1 Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Magurele, Romania
2 Doctoral School of Physics, University of Bucharest, Magurele, Romania
3 LULI-CNRS, CEA, Universite Sorbonne, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau CEDEX, France
4 Apel Laser, Ilfov, Romania
5 Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, LP3 UMR 7341, Marseille, France
6 Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Magurele, Romania
7 University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
8 National Institute for Lasers Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania
With ultrafast laser systems reaching presently 10 PW peak power or operating at high repetition rates, research towards ensuring the long-term, trouble-free performance of all laser-exposed optical components is critical. Our work is focused on providing insight into the optical material behavior at fluences below the standardized laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) value by implementing a simultaneous dual analysis of surface emitted particles using a Langmuir probe (LP) and the target current (TC). ${\mathrm{HfO}}_2$ and ${\mathrm{ZrO}}_2$ thin films deposited on fused silica substrates by pulsed laser deposition at various ${\mathrm{O}}_2$ pressures for defect and stoichiometry control were irradiated by Gaussian, ultrashort laser pulses (800 nm, 10 Hz, 70 fs) in a wide range of fluences. Both TC and LP collected signals were in good agreement with the existing theoretical description of laser–matter interaction at an ultrashort time scale. Our approach for an in situ LIDT monitoring system provides measurable signals for below-threshold irradiation conditions that indicate the endurance limit of the optical surfaces in the single-shot energy scanning mode. The LIDT value extracted from the LP-TC system is in line with the multipulse statistical analysis done with ISO 21254-2:2011(E). The implementation of the LP and TC as on-shot diagnostic tools for optical components will have a significant impact on the reliability of next-generation ultrafast and high-power laser systems.
HfO2 in situ detection Langmuir probe laser-induced damage threshold target current ZrO2 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2024, 12(2): 02000e15
张宝良 1,2梁文峰 1杨铁 2,3于鹏 2,3,*
1 沈阳建筑大学 机械工程学院,辽宁沈阳068
2 中国科学院 沈阳自动化研究所 机器人学国家重点实验室,辽宁沈阳110016
3 中国科学院 机器人与智能制造创新研究院,辽宁沈阳110169
为解决原子力显微镜(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM)系统更换探针后光路调整复杂耗时、精度不足的问题,本文首次提出通过精密控制探针与探针夹装配位置来实现更换的探针相对AFM系统原光路位置的一致,进而实现免去AFM系统换针后调整光路步骤。该系统的光路一致性组件采用光束偏转法对探针位置与偏转进行放大与监测,并使用高精度位移与角度调节平台进行探针相对于探针夹的方位调整。通过实物搭建对探针一致性效果进行了验证,并对紫外光(Ultraviolet, UV)胶水固化过程导致探针位置偏移影响;探针不同偏移量时产生的探测器噪音对AFM系统成像质量影响进行了系统分析。实验结果表明:经由该系统装配的探针平均位置精度接近1.1 µm;并且在AFM系统中更换一致性探针仅需8 s。该系统实现了高精度且质量稳定的探针一致性装配,极大地简化了AFM系统重新校准光路的操作步骤,其与自动换针装置配合可有效提升工业计量型AFM的操作与测量性能。
原子力显微镜 探针装配 光束偏转法 微米级位移调节 Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM) probe assembly beam deflection method micron-level displacement adjustment 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(2): 137
秦琰琰 1,2黄瑞冬 1,2刘孝兵 1钱诚 1,3[ ... ]毛庆和 1,2,*
1 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所安徽省光子器件与材料重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230031
2 中国科学技术大学,安徽 合肥 230026
3 安徽大学物质科学与信息技术研究院,安徽 合肥 230039
研究了批量制备的锥形光纤表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)探针的定量检测性能。在统一的制备条件下,基于静电吸附自组装方法批量制备的同一批次锥形光纤探针具有良好的互换性。基于相同检测条件,在同一福美双样品浓度下测得SERS光谱幅度的相对标准偏差(RSD)可达8%以下。不同批次的光纤探针存在互换性退化问题,难以满足实际定量检测应用对光纤探针数目的要求。为了解决该问题,提出并演示了一种将不同批次光纤探针的光谱数据同化至同批次光纤探针测量结果的同化方法。通过对同化后的大样本光谱数据进行统计平均和数据拟合,获得了福美双样品在2×10-8~10-6 mol/L浓度范围内的SERS定量关系曲线,福美双加标样品的测试回收率可达90%~110%。该研究结果对于实际SERS定量检测具有参考意义。
光纤光学 表面增强拉曼散射 锥形光纤探针 批量制备 定量检测 静电吸附自组装法 福美双 
2024, 51(5): 0513002
1 北京邮电大学 电子工程学院, 安全生产智能监控北京市重点实验室, 北京 100876
2 解放军总医院第三医学中心 放射诊断科, 北京 100039
实时便捷的pH检测对于环境监测和医学诊断等领域具有重要应用价值。本文通过溶胶?凝胶法制备了一种比率荧光毛细管pH传感器。该传感器以2.8?羟基芘?1,3,6?三磺酸三钠盐(8?hydroxy?pyrene?1,3,6?trisulfonate,HPTS)作为pH敏感的荧光探针,利用HPTS与十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide,CTAB)结合形成HPTS?IP离子对,然后将离子对分散于溶胶?凝胶中,并将其固定于毛细管内壁即制得比率荧光毛细管pH传感器。该传感器利用HPTS在双激发带下的发射强度比值实现比率荧光检测,当pH从5.0上升至8.0时,HPTS的荧光强度比率随pH值增加逐渐增强,pKa值为6.95,通过分析HPTS的比率荧光强度变化可间接监测pH波动。该传感器具有较好的pH敏感性、稳定性和可逆性,且可快速、灵活、便捷地进行实际操作,在环境保护和生物医学领域的pH监测分析方面拥有良好的应用前景。
荧光探针 光学传感器 pH检测 毛细管 比率荧光 fluorescence probe optical sensor pH detection capillary ratiometric fluorescence 
2024, 45(1): 177
1 南京航空航天大学机电学院,江苏 南京 210016
2 中航西安飞机工业集团股份有限公司,陕西 西安 710089
提出一种基于多点的虚实注册方法。首先,设计一种手持式靶标探针,根据飞机零部件上的典型特征设计了不同的探针测头,并采用单目相机对探针进行标定,标定出测头尖点相对靶标的位置。然后,在虚实注册过程中在三维模型上设置几个点,借助靶标探针测量真实零件上对应的几个点,利用奇异值矩阵分解法,求解出增强现实设备虚实映射空间中三维模型到真实零件的刚体变换,根据此变换即可实现虚实配准。最后,选取3 m×1.4 m×0.5 m尺寸范围内的机翼为验证对象,采用所设计的靶标探针验证其虚实配准精度,并分析注册时点的数量与布局对虚实注册精度的影响。实验结果表明,所提方法可以实现大尺寸零部件整体较高的虚实配准精度。
测量 飞机装配 增强现实 虚实配准 探针标定 多点注册 
2024, 44(4): 0412001
Author Affiliations
1 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
2 Institut d’Optique, Université Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau, France
3 Institut für Angewandte Physik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
This paper presents the development and experimental utilization of a synchronized off-harmonic laser system designed as a probe for ultra-intense laser–plasma interaction experiments. The system exhibits a novel seed-generation design, allowing for a variable pulse duration spanning over more than three orders of magnitude, from 3.45 picoseconds to 10 nanoseconds. This makes it suitable for various plasma diagnostics and visualization techniques. In a side-view configuration, the laser was employed for interferometry and streaked shadowgraphy of a laser-induced plasma while successfully suppressing the self-emission background of the laser–plasma interaction, resulting in a signal-to-self-emission ratio of 110 for this setup. These properties enable the probe to yield valuable insights into the plasma dynamics and interactions at the PHELIX facility and to be deployed at various laser facilities due to its easy-to-implement design.
interferometry laser–plasma interaction off-harmonic probe laser streaked shadowgraphy 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2024, 12(1): 01000e10
北京工业大学 材料与制造学部 北京市精密测控技术与仪器工程技术研究中心, 北京100124
测头对准误差对齿轮测量中心ZC蜗杆齿廓偏差测量结果的影响较大,需要建立测头对准误差修正方法。基于ZC1蜗杆齿面方程,建立了蜗杆轴向齿廓测量误差模型,修正得到轴截面上齿廓测量点的轴向坐标,再依据精度标准评定得到蜗杆齿廓偏差,并分析了蜗杆的不同头数、模数和分度圆直径对蜗杆轴向齿廓测量误差的影响规律。在齿轮测量中心上开展了蜗杆轴截面齿廓测量实验,测头对准误差对齿廓形状偏差的影响较小;测头对准误差修正前后齿廓测量总偏差的最大差异由1.2 μm降为0.2 μm;齿廓形状测量偏差的最大差异由0.5 μm降为0.3 μm;齿廓倾斜测量偏差的最大差异由2.5 μm降为0.4 μm。该方法可有效减小齿轮测量中心测头对准误差对蜗杆轴截面齿廓偏差测量的影响。
精密测量 ZC蜗杆 测头对准 误差修正 齿轮测量中心 precision measurement ZC worm probe alignment error correction gear measurement center 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(1): 53
Author Affiliations
1 Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University, 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 Institut de Physique de Nice, Université, Côte d’Azur, CNRS, 06108 Nice Cedex 2, France
The paper presents the results of an experimental study of the local polarization reversal and creation of domains by a biased tip of scanning probe microscope (SPM) in lithium niobate single crystals of congruent composition with a surface layer modified by soft proton exchange (SPE). The depth dependence of H+ ions concentration in the SPE-modified layer measured by confocal Raman microscopy demonstrates a sufficient composition gradient. The creation of isolated domains and stripe domain structures has been done by two switching modes: (1) point switching by field application in separated points and (2) line scanning switching by motion of the biased tip being in contact with the sample surface. For point switching for pulse durations less than 10s, the logarithmic dependence of the domain diameter on the pulse duration was observed. The change of the dependence to a linear one for pulse duration above 10s has been attributed to the transition from the stochastic step generation at the domain wall to the deterministic one at the domain vertexes. The periodical structure of stripe domains was created in SPE CLN planar waveguides by scanning at elevated temperature. The revealed switching regime suppresses electrostatic interaction of neighboring domains and leads to a significant improvement of the domain structure regularity. The creation of the stable periodical domain structure with submicron periods in SPE CLN planar waveguides was demonstrated.
Scanning probe microscopy piezoelectric force microscopy periodical poling composition gradient 
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics
2023, 13(6): 2350020

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