Author Affiliations
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Preparation and Measurement of Building Materials, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, P. R. China
With the rapid development of modern industries, the high-temperature piezoelectric sensors that can work in extreme environments are in great demand. In this work, langasite (La3Ga5SiO14, LGS), as a high-temperature piezoelectric crystal with stable electro-elastic performance, is used as core element, and air and porous Al2O3 are selected as backing layers respectively to prepare two kinds of high-temperature acoustic emission (AE) sensors. The detection sensitivities at 25–500C are analyzed by the ball falling test and Hsu–Nielsen experiment. Under the condition of 25–500C, the received amplitude signals by both sensors are maintained above 90dB stimulated by the ZrO2 ceramic ball dropping. In the Hsu–Nielsen experiment, as the temperature rising from 25C to 500C, the signal amplitude of sensor with air backing layer decays from 447mV to 365mV, while the signal amplitude varies from 270mV to 203mV for the sensor with porous Al2O3 backing layer. Significantly, compared with the bandwidth of the air-backing sensor (37–183kHz), the sensor with porous Al2O3 backing layer broadens bandwidth to 28–273kHz. These results show that both these AE sensors have strong and stable response ability to AE signals at high-temperature of 500C. Therefore, piezoelectric AE sensor based on LGS has great potential application in the field of high-temperature structural health monitoring.
La3Ga5SiO14 acoustic emission sensor sensitivity structural health monitoring 
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics
2024, 14(1): 2342001
Author Affiliations
1 School of Microelectronics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
2 Industry-Education-Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technology for Integrated Circuits, Information Materials and Intelligent Sensing Laboratory of Anhui Province, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China
3 Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, 90220 Oulu, Finland
Two-dimensional layered material/semiconductor heterostructures have emerged as a category of fascinating architectures for developing highly efficient and low-cost photodetection devices. Herein, we present the construction of a highly efficient flexible light detector operating in the visible-near infrared wavelength regime by integrating a PdTe2 multilayer on a thin Si film. A representative device achieves a good photoresponse performance at zero bias including a sizeable current on/off ratio exceeding 105, a decent responsivity of ~343 mA/W, a respectable specific detectivity of ~2.56 × 1012 Jones, and a rapid response time of 4.5/379 μs, under 730 nm light irradiation. The detector also displays an outstanding long-term air stability and operational durability. In addition, thanks to the excellent flexibility, the device can retain its prominent photodetection performance at various bending radii of curvature and upon hundreds of bending tests. Furthermore, the large responsivity and rapid response speed endow the photodetector with the ability to accurately probe heart rate, suggesting a possible application in the area of flexible and wearable health monitoring.
2D layered material heterostructure flexible photodetector health monitoring 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(11): 112001
1 武汉科技大学 理学院, 湖北 武汉 430081
2 中国一冶集团有限公司, 湖北 武汉 430081
以指接榫和燕尾榫结构为例, 利用压电主动传感技术对榫卯结构进行健康工况和损伤工况的损伤识别实验研究。其中,指接榫考虑水平和垂直连接的榫头松动和缺损工况, 燕尾榫考虑实验机加载破坏工况。对压电传感器所接收到的信号进行小波包分解, 并以各频段信号能量总和作为损伤指标对损伤程度进行定量评估。实验结果表明, 指接榫结构所接收的信号能量随损伤程度的不断增加而减小; 加载过程中,燕尾榫结构的榫头间先挤压紧密再出现榫头破坏, 所接收到的信号能量出现先增大后减小的情况。因此, 利用压电主动传感技术可实现对榫卯结构的损伤识别。可为相关专业的研究生及工程技术人员基于压电传感技术进行无损检测提供实验方法。
榫卯结构 压电主动传感技术 损伤识别 结构健康监测 小波包能量 mortise-tenon joints piezoelectric active sensing technology damage detection structural health monitoring wavelet packet energy 
2023, 45(2): 243
上海大学精密机械工程系, 上海 200444
植被遥感监测已广泛应用于各个领域, 如农作物病虫害监测、 森林覆盖度监测、 植被生长状况监测等。 监测植物叶绿素含量变化对于了解植物长势、 监测植被病虫害乃至监测植被对全球气候变化反馈都有着重要的意义, 然而这些监测时常受到叶片镜面反射的干扰, 导致叶绿素含量反演精度降低。 旨在消除植物健康状况遥感监测中的镜面反射干扰, 搭建一套偏振多光谱成像系统, 提出一种镜面去除指数(SRRI), 并提出一种利用目标的漫反射和镜面反射的光谱和偏振特性来检测植物的融合算法, 植物的SRRI、 线偏振度(DoLP)和偏振角(AOP)均在融合框架内计算, 以消除植物镜面反射的干扰并提高植物健康状态检测精度。 此外, 基于SRRI、 DoLP和AOP的融合算法计算了一种偏振融合镜面去除指数(PFSRRI)。 对相对叶绿素含量(SPAD)、 比值植被指数(SR)、 归一化植被指数(NDVI)、 SRRISR、 SRRINDVI、 PFSRRISR和PFSRRINDVI进行了相关性分析, 以了解它们消除镜面反射干扰的能力。 结果表明, SR与SPAD (R2=0.012 8)、 NDVI与SPAD (R2=0.007 5)的相关性最差, 表明SR和NDVI对镜面反射的敏感性最高, SRRISR与SPAD (R2=0.818)、 SRRINDVI与SPAD(R2=0.889)有很好的相关性, 而PFSRRISR与SPAD(R2=0.955)、 PFSRRINDVI与SPAD(R2=0.948)的相关性最好, 从而突出了PFSRRI在消除镜面反射干扰并检测植物健康状态中的潜力。 PFSRRISR和PFSRRINDVI三维散点图显示了对植物不同健康程度具有良好的辨别能力, 具有较高的敏感性和特异性值, 通过曲面的颜色和趋势的变化可以很直观地看到植被健康状态的变化趋势和分类状况。 其中, PFSRRISR的镜面叶片和胁迫1级叶片的分类敏感性(Se)值为100%和特异性(Sp)值为100%, PFSRRINDVI的镜面叶片和胁迫1级叶片的分类敏感性(Se)值为98%和特异性(Sp)值为100%, 表明PFSRRISR和PFSRRINDVI在去除镜面干扰后的优秀的检测效果。 综上所述, 该方法能有效地消除镜面干扰, 提高植被健康状况检测精度。
遥感 镜面反射 图像融合 植被指数 植被健康监测 Remote sensing Specular reflection Image fusion Vegetation Index Vegetation health monitoring 
2023, 43(11): 3607
武汉理工大学光纤传感技术与网络国家工程研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070
电池传感 光纤传感器 温度监测 应变监测 充电状态和健康状态监测 产气监测 
2023, 60(11): 1106006
张驰 1,2邹宁睦 4宋金玉 1,2佟帅 1,2[ ... ]张旭苹 1,2,3,**
1 南京大学智能光传感与调控技术教育部重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210093
2 南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院, 江苏 南京 210023
3 南京大学深圳研究院, 广东 深圳 581000
4 德克萨斯州立大学工学院, 德克萨斯州圣马科斯 78666, 美国

相位敏感光时域反射(Φ-OTDR) 外差相干探测 数字信号处理(DSP) 输电线健康监测 phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry (Φ-OTDR) heterodyne coherent detection digital signal processing (DSP) power line health monitoring 
2023, 50(2): 220088
Author Affiliations
1 School of Microelectronics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
2 School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems (RI-Wear), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
With the rapid technological innovation in materials engineering and device integration, a wide variety of textile-based wearable biosensors have emerged as promising platforms for personalized healthcare, exercise monitoring, and pre-diagnostics. This paper reviews the recent progress in sweat biosensors and sensing systems integrated into textiles for wearable body status monitoring. The mechanisms of biosensors that are commonly adopted for biomarkers analysis are first introduced. The classification, fabrication methods, and applications of textile conductors in different configurations and dimensions are then summarized. Afterward, innovative strategies to achieve efficient sweat collection with textile-based sensing patches are presented, followed by an in-depth discussion on nanoengineering and system integration approaches for the enhancement of sensing performance. Finally, the challenges of textile-based sweat sensing devices associated with the device reusability, washability, stability, and fabrication reproducibility are discussed from the perspective of their practical applications in wearable healthcare.With the rapid technological innovation in materials engineering and device integration, a wide variety of textile-based wearable biosensors have emerged as promising platforms for personalized healthcare, exercise monitoring, and pre-diagnostics. This paper reviews the recent progress in sweat biosensors and sensing systems integrated into textiles for wearable body status monitoring. The mechanisms of biosensors that are commonly adopted for biomarkers analysis are first introduced. The classification, fabrication methods, and applications of textile conductors in different configurations and dimensions are then summarized. Afterward, innovative strategies to achieve efficient sweat collection with textile-based sensing patches are presented, followed by an in-depth discussion on nanoengineering and system integration approaches for the enhancement of sensing performance. Finally, the challenges of textile-based sweat sensing devices associated with the device reusability, washability, stability, and fabrication reproducibility are discussed from the perspective of their practical applications in wearable healthcare.
biosensor textile-based electronics wearable device sweat analysis health monitoring 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(2): 021601
1 卡本科技集团股份有限公司产品开发部,天津 300383
2 天津工业大学纺织科学与工程学院,天津 300387
光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)在单向复合材料高应力变化和长期服役过程中的精准监测对于预应力碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)板的应用具有重要意义。将FBG传感器分别采用外贴裸栅、外贴基片和内嵌裸栅的形式与CFRP板进行耦合,测试了三种耦合方式对于温度的感知精度,并基于预应力CFRP板加固系统监测其分级加载至1000 MPa过程中应力的变化。实验结果表明,三种耦合方式均有较好的温度传感特性,但应力传感特性与温度传感特性存在明显差异。其中,内嵌裸栅式传感器的监测精度最高,其应力传感的线性度、迟滞性和重复性分别为0.9999、0.25%和3.20%,可应用于预应力CFRP板的加固工程。
传感器 复合材料 光纤布拉格光栅 结构健康监测 工程加固 
2023, 60(5): 0528003
1 国网新疆电力有限公司电力科学研究院, 乌鲁木齐 830000
2 国网新疆电力有限公司, 乌鲁木齐 830000
3 北京物联感知科技有限公司, 北京 101100

基于光栅传感的分布式光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)健康监测得到了广泛研究。针对OPGW光缆舞动事件, 提出一种基于三次样条函数拟合的舞动波长预测方法。首先, 通过理论推导, 建立光栅传感相位变化量与舞动波长的数学联系; 然后, 利用仿真分析理想舞动情况下信号三次样条函数拟合前后的相移信号结果, 初步证明了所提方法的有效性; 最后, 将其应用在某220kV线路, 对比分析典型弱风环境及强风环境下的舞动监测强度图。实际监测结果表明, 所选取方法能够有效改善强度图信号特征, 可得出强风条件下档距内舞动波长约为200m, 弱风条件下档距内舞动波长约50m。该方法为舞动事件的图像识别智能监测提供技术参考, 具有较好的应用前景。

光纤光栅 舞动监测 健康监测 光纤复合架空地线 fiber Bragg grating galloping monitoring health monitoring fiber optic composite overhead ground wire 
2022, 43(6): 1190
1 陆军装甲兵学院装备保障与再制造系,再制造技术国防科技重点实验室,北京 100072
2 清华大学化学系,有机光电子与分子工程教育部重点实验室,北京 100084
石墨烯 柔性传感器 健康监测 人机交互 graphene flexible sensors health monitoring human-machine interface 
2022, 50(7): 1800

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