Photonics Research

PR Highlights(Vol. 8, Iss. 11): 梦想照进现实:拓扑光子学推动集成光子器件的发展

发布:lina000288阅读:443时间:2021-4-13 14:07:17



近五十年来,大规模集成电路和光通信技术的持续突破催生了信息产业革命。然而随着晶体管尺寸逼近物理极限、铜电互连逼近带宽和功耗瓶颈,摩尔定律正逐渐失效。伴随着云计算、人工智能、5G/6G、数据中心等新兴技术的蓬勃发展,数据需求呈现爆炸式增长,需求和性能间的矛盾日益突出。如何延续摩尔定律已成为信息领域的核心问题。为此,将光子技术与微电子技术结合,实现 “以光代电,光电融合”,是提升计算架构并发规模、灵活度,降低功耗,使更多晶体管协同工作进而释放极致性能的重要发展方向。



北京大学彭超副教授受邀在Photonics Research 2020年Topological Photonics and Beyond专题发表综述文章(Xuefan Yin, Chao Peng. Manipulating light radiation from a topological perspective[J]. Photonics Research, 2020, 8(11): 11000B25),并被选为该虚拟专题封面文章,从拓扑光子学发展背景、非厄米光子体系拓扑性质、以及拓扑光子辐射调控三个方面介绍了拓扑光子学与集成光子器件领域的最新进展。

1. 拓扑光子学发展背景

拓扑学原本是数学的一个分支。然而在研究量子霍尔效应研究时,人们惊奇地发现拓扑在物理上的重要意义: 分立的霍尔电导是一类拓扑不变量——TKNN不变量(即陈数)的体现。受此启发,研究者们在凝聚态物理体系中构造了各式各样的拓扑绝缘体,其共同特征是:体态波函数的几何性质可以用某一类拓扑不变量描述,而边界态和体态波函数则被 “体-边对应关系”约束。






图1 (a)光子晶体辐射示意图 (b)动量空间远场辐射偏振示意图 (c)拓扑荷示意图


数值优化一直是光子器件设计的主要方法,但多参数扫描最优设计往往存在计算代价巨大,且容易陷入局部极值陷阱的缺点。 然而,拓扑视角关注连续变化下的全局观点,为器件优化提供了新范式,同时催生了许多新现象和新器件。


图2 (a)动量空间中拓扑荷合并示意图 (b)拓扑荷合并后,附近谐振态品质因子依赖关系的变化 (c)单面拓扑荷的构造示意图 (d),(e)单向辐射导模共振态模场及品质因子示意图

除了操控辐射通道的开启与关闭,辐射本身性质如波前的偏振和偏振等,也可以通过拓扑荷来进行调控。例如,研究人员通过调制光子晶体增益分布,实现了拓扑荷的湮灭与恢复,成功构造了集成的片上涡旋光激光器,可支持涡旋光束与线偏振光束间的可控快速切换,切换速度达到1~1.5 ps量级(如图3)。

图3 (a)微激光器出射光波前与增益分布的关系 (b)通过调制增益分布,实现了涡旋出射光与线偏光的动态切换

4. 总结和展望



Topological photonics and on-chip photonic integration


Photonics integration is a burgeoning field from both academic and industrial points of view because of its great potentials in aggregating photonic technology with high-performance integrated circuits that may revolutionarily change the architecture of computing. However, many photonics integration platforms suffer from huge challenges in robustness, which make device fabrication, assembling and packaging not compatible with massive production and large-scale integration. To this end, topological concepts are applied and successfully clarified many extraordinary phenomena and further promoted the performance of many devices, as a result, spawn a new branch of modern optics – topological photonics.

Topology deals with conserved quantities that do not change when the system is continuously deformed. Topological ideas are applied in designing and optimizing a series of optoelectronic system. As a specific example of radiation manipulation, researchers studied the non-Hermitian photonic systems from the viewpoint of topology, and found out that several special energy states can be depicted by a class of topological invariants – topological charges. Further, researchers investigated the physics behind it, and proposed topological methodology to manipulate radiation characteristics that give rise to many novel optoelectronic applications, such as photonic crystal microcavity with ultra-high Q factors, guided resonances with unidirectional radiation, and vortex beam generator with ultra-fast switching time. These progresses show that, topology is not only mathematical convenience, but also reality in physics and will boost the applications of photonics integration in many aspects.

The invited review article published in Photonics Research, Vol. 8, No. 11, 2020 (Xuefan Yin, Chao Peng. Manipulating light radiation from a topological perspective[J]. Photonics Research, 2020, 8(11): 11000B25),which was chosen as On the Cover of Topological Photonics and Beyond , provides a comprehensive overview on the milestones as well as the latest progresses in the field of photonic devices based on topological concepts, particularly for radiation manipulation.

1. Background of topological photonics

As a branch of mathematics, topology engages in physics during the discovery of integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE). In this case, quantized Hall conductance was found to be the consequence of a class of topological invariant—TKNN invariant. IQHE as well as the topological invariants boosted the emergence of topological insulators in condensed matter. In these systems, the geometric properties of bulk wave functions can be described by a certain type of topological invariant, while the relationship between edge states and bulk bands is constrained by so-called bulk-boundary-correspondence accordingly.

In 2008, researchers proved that topological phases of matter are ubiquitous in a wide range of wave systems. After, topological ideas were expanded to various wave systems, in particular, the photonic system. As a classical counterpart of quantum systems, photonic systems enjoy the benefits of flexibility and diversity, thus become an ideal platform for explore topological ideas and principle. Therefore, topological photonics was born.

However, compared to electron in condensed matter, there are some unique characteristics of photon. Most importantly, photons are non-conserved particles with finite lifetime in most realistic photonic devices, subjecting to a variety of non-equilibrium processes. It indicates that most photonic systems are non-Hermitian in nature. As a result, conventional topological theory that is developed for Hermitian system needs to be revisited.

2. Topology in non-Hermitian photonic systems

Since photons escaping is inevitable in realistic devices, non-Hermitian photonic systems and the topology in them has been hot spotted. The researchers are devoted in finding new topological invariants and the bulk-boundary correspondence to depict non-Hermitian systems. On the other hand, the radiation had been paid particular attention since it is a major source for photonic devices exchanging energy with the surroundings. Some unique photonic states have been discovered, such as bound states in continuum (BICs), exceptional points (EPs) and etc., which connect to the topology of radiation field and being described by topological charges. Such concept reveals new perspectives of investigating non-Hermitian photonic systems: we can observe the geometric characteristics of radiation field to probe and explore the intrinsic topological phases underlying, or manipulate the radiation for practical usage through tuning the topological charges.

Fig. 1 (a) Schematic of radiation from photonic crystal slab. (b) Polarization vortex in momentum space. (c) Schematic of topological charges

3. Research progresses in radiation manipulation from topological concepts

For a long time, numerical optimization is a well-established method in photonic device design, however, it usually suffers from the huge computation cost and the risk of falling into local optima. Topological optimization provides a new and complementary method since it offers a global picture for optimization. For instance, because the BICs correspond to integer topological charges in radiation field that imply zero radiation, it is reasonable to manipulate the evolution of topological charges in momentum space to flexibly close and open radiation channels as will, and achieve desired radiation behaviors.

In the first example, researchers merge multiple topological charges towards Brillouin zone center, thus modify the scaling rule of quality factors that make the resonances nearby robust to random scatterings. In the second example, researchers break the symmetries of photonic crystal, which splits and restores the topological charge at a single side of the device, eventually construct a class of unidirectional radiative resonance without mirror on the other side.

Fig. 2 (a) Topological charges evolution for merging BICs. (b) Scaling rules of quality factors for isolated BICs and merging BICs. (c) Topological charges evolution for Unidirectional Guided Resonances (UGRs). (d) Profile of electric field component of UGR. (e) Experimental and simulated results of downward quality factors around UGR.

In addition to open and close radiation channels, other merits of light wave fronts, such as polarization and phase can also be tailored from topological charges. For example, researchers annihilate and restore the topological charge by modulating the gain profile, and successfully demonstrate an on-chip vortex micro-laser that support ultra-fast switching between vortex beam and linearly polarized beam dynamically, in a switching time as short as 1~1.5ps.

Fig.3 (a) Dynamic control of output beam based on manipulating the optical gain profile. (b) Top: Transition from a donut beam to a linearly-polarized beam. Bottom: Transition from a donut beam to two-lobe beam and back within picosecond-scale transition time.

4. Summary and outlook

As a young and burgeoning field of photonic research, topological photonics is experiencing exciting progress and breakthroughs, and leading to new devices and application in photonics. Topology is not just abstract mathematical theory but reality in physics. We are expecting the findings from topological concepts could broaden the horizon of science, and boost many applications in photonic integration, quantum computing and others.