
2018武汉光博会| 来YSFOP 2018看青年才俊齐聚光谷,更有一系列精彩报告等你来听

发布:opticsOJ阅读:1834时间:2018-11-10 19:18:40

青年科学家是引领科技未来发展的中坚力量。为了促进学科交叉融合,推动科技创新发展,进一步加强国际交流与合作,营造良好的高水平学术交流氛围,2018国际光学与光子学青年科学家论坛(YSFOP 2018)将于2018年11月14-15日在武汉召开。本次论坛聚焦2018年国际光学领域的研究热点,邀请国内外相关领域的年轻科学家齐聚一堂,共同研讨我国光学领域热点的核心技术,促进光电子产业的快速发展。



11月14日 13:30——17:30

11月15日 9:30——17:30


中国·武汉 中国光谷科技会展中心三楼3-3,3-4


Dianyuan Fan(范滇元院士) ShenzhenUniversity


Chaoyang Lu(陆朝阳) Universityof Science and Technology of China

Feng Chen(陈峰) Shandong University

Yangjian Cai(蔡阳健) ShandongNormal University

Zhaohui Li(李朝晖) SunYat-sen University

Han Zhang(张晗) Shenzhen University


Philip Russell 教授 Max-Planck Institute,Germany

个人简介:PhilipRussell is a founding Director at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science ofLight (MPL) and holds the Krupp Chair of Experimental Physics at the Universityof Erlangen-Nuremberg. He obtained his D.Phil. degree in 1979 at the Universityof Oxford. His interests currently focus on scientific and technicalapplications of photonic crystal fibers. He is a Fellow of the Royal Societyand the Optical Society (OSA) and has won a number of awards including the 2000OSA Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize, the 2005 Thomas Young Prizeof IOP, the 2005 K?rber Prize for European Science, the 2013 EPS Prize forResearch into the Science of Light, the 2014 Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis,the 2015 IEEE Photonics Award and the 2018 Rank Prize for Optoelectronics. Hewas OSA's 99th President in 2015, the International Year of Light.

报告题目:The multifaceted world of photonic crystal fibres

报告简介: The idea for a new kind of optical glass fibre—photonic crystal fibre (PCF)—first emerged in 1991. The aim was to realise a fibre with a two-dimensional periodic array of microscopic features (typically hollow channels) running along its entire length. These would be able to corral light within a central hollow or solid core, permitting light and matter waves to be tightly confined over long distances while precisely controlling the dispersion. More than a quarter of a century later, PCF has led to a whole series of new developments, some of which are already are moving into real-world applications. Solid-core PCFs are routinely used to transform invisible infrared laser pulses into white light 10 million times brighter than an arc lamp, and form the basis of commercial supercontinuum sources. Twisted PCF creates optical vortices that carry orbital angular momentum, as well as providing an elegant means of providing circular birefringence and dichroism. Intense interactions between light and sound in solid-core PCF enable stable all-optical mode-locking of fibre lasers at a high harmonic (a few GHz) of their round-trip frequency. Single-ring hollow-core PCF, comprising a ring of thin-walled capillaries surrounding a central hollow core, guides over an extremely wide frequency range and, through pressure-adjustable dispersion, provides a simple means of compressing pulses down to single-cycle durations, as well as underpinning a range of unique and extremely bright sources of tunable deep and vacuum ultraviolet light.

Chaoyang Lu(陆朝阳)教授 Uiversityof Science and Technology of China, China

个人简介:陆朝阳,1982年12月出生于浙江,剑桥大学物理学博士,中国科学技术大学教授。致力于量子物理和量子信息技术的研究,在包括Science、Nature、Nature Physics、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Photonics、PNAS、Physical Review Letters、Reviews of Modern Physics等国际学术期刊上发表论文60余篇。成果三次入选两院院士评选的年度中国科技十大进展新闻。其中,他和同事完成的多自由度量子隐形传态实验入选了英国物理学会评选的国际物理学年度突破之榜首,高品质单光子源和光学量子计算的成果两次入选美国光学学会评选的年度国际光学重要进展。陆朝阳先后入选了国家杰出青年科学基金、美国光学学会会士,获得了香港求是杰出青年学者奖、国家自然科学一等奖、中国青年五四奖章、欧洲物理学会菲涅尔奖等荣誉。

报告题目:Toward quantum supremacy using solid-state single photons

报告简介: Boson sampling is considered as a strong candidate to demonstrate the “quantum advantage / supremacy” over classical computers. However, previous proof-of-principle experiments suffered from small photon number and low sampling rates owing to the inefficiencies of the single-photon sources and multi-port optical interferometers. In this talk, I will report two routes towards building Boson Sampling machines with many photons.

Greg Gbur 教授 University of North Carolina at Charlotte,USA

个人简介:GregGbur is a full professor at University of North Carolina (UNC) at Charlotte. Hegot his M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Rochester. He is the co-organizer ofThe Natural World as Art and Science 2006, UNC Charlotte and Optical Society ofAmerica Senior Member, 2013. He has much teaching experiences at UNC Charlotte,University of Rochester, University of Chicago. He has published 3 books andmany popular articles. His research focuses on propagation of beams throughturbulence, nano-scale electromagnetics, singular optics, inverse scatteringproblems and nonradiating sources, optical cloaking, and invisibility.

报告题目:Orbital angular momentum in partially coherent vortex beams

报告简介: Light beams possessing orbital angular momentum (OAM) have become an important tool in a wide variety of applications, including free-space optical communications and optical micromanipulation. Most studies have considered the fully coherent case; however, partially coherent beams offer increased flexibility in the design of and control of orbital angular momentum in light fields. In this talk we discuss three broad and distinct classes of angular momentum-carrying beams, and from insights gained introduce a fourth, twisted vortex Gaussian Schell-model beams, which possess two different types of OAM.

Lee Rozema 教授 University of Vienna,Austria

个人简介:LeeRozema is a Templeton Independent Research Fellow working at the University ofVienna in the Quantum Information Science and Quantum Computing. He completedhis Doctorate at the University of Toronto, in Canada. His doctoral researchfocused on a broad array of topics in experimental quantum optics and quantuminformation, from quantum-enhanced precision measurement to more fundamentaltopics, such as weak measurement and interpretations of quantum mechanics.After completing his PhD, he moved to Vienna, where he held a Natural Scienceand Engineering Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship for theyears of 2014-2016. Since 2016 he has been a Templeton Independent ResearchFellow. His current research interests include quantum foundations, photonicquantum computing, and the investigation of novel optical non-linearities.

报告题目:Using quantum photonics to probe quantum foundations

报告简介:The promise of quantum computation and cryptography has led to the development of many new quantum technologies, and has resulted in techniques to efficiently create, detect, and manipulate delicate quantum systems. An exciting aspect of this is that we are now able to perform experiments that not too long ago could only be imagined as “gedanken” experiments. This now allows us to use table-top experiments to probe foundational aspects of quantum mechanics. In this talk I review our progress in experimental quantum optics, and some of our recent work in quantum foundations. On the foundations side, I will introduce the notion of a causal order, and show that it is possible to create quantum processes which possess a genuinely undefined causal order.

Feng Chen(陈峰) 教授 ShandongUniversity, China

个人简介:陈峰,山东大学物理学院院长、教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,享受政府特殊津贴专家,英国物理学会会士,中国物理学会理事,中国光学学会基础光学专业委员会委员,山东物理学会理事长,山东省光学工程学会副理事长,Opt. Engineering、Sci. Rep.编委,中国激光杂志社青年编辑委员会副主任。研究方向为光学晶体波导、离子束材料改性、飞秒激光微加工、波导激光与信息处理、微纳光子学结构、非线性光学等。发表SCI收录论文300余篇,基于Web of Science的H因子为30,先后有6篇论文获选为ESI高被引论文,并连续入选2014、2015、2016、2017年度中国高被引学者榜单(物理学和天文学)。在国际学术会议上做主旨报告、邀请报告近50次,在近十个国际、国内的系列学术会议上担任组织者(各种委员会委员、分会主席等),担任50余种SCI期刊的审稿工作。

报告题目:Crystalline opticalwaveguides produced by femtosecond laser writing

报告摘要: Byapplying direct femtosecond laser writing, optical waveguides with diverseconfigurations can be produced in various crystals. The focused ultrashortpulses interact with the bulk matrix, resulting in modification of refractiveindex of the localized regions. Both positive and negative index changes havebeen successfully utilized to generate waveguiding effects. Owing to thecapability and feasibility of direct femtosecond laser writing, a number ofwaveguide devices have been fabricated in versatile optical crystals, whichbrings out intriguing applications in optics and photonics. In this talk, Iwill overview the state-of-the-art progress in this area.

Yangjian Cai(蔡阳健) 教授 ShandongNormal University, China

个人简介:蔡阳健,男,1977年12月生,博士,山东师范大学物理与电子科学学院院长、教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者。2005年毕业于浙江大学物理系,获物理学专业博士学位;2006年毕业于瑞典皇家工程学院,获电磁场理论专业博士学位。2006—2009年在德国爱尔兰根马普光学研究所(原爱尔兰根马普光学研究组)从事博士后研究,并获德国洪堡基金。2009年被聘为苏州大学特聘教授。2013年3月至2015年2月担任国家自然科学基金委物理一处流动项目主任。2016年入选江苏省特聘教授。2018年被聘为山东师范大学物理与电子科学学院院长。长期从事激光光场调控、光束传输、光学成像、大气光学等方面的研究,在国际权威刊物发表SCI收录论文270多篇,邀请综述论文7篇,英文专著章节2章,获发明专利授权11项。获教育部高等学校科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖,浙江省高校优秀科研成果奖一等奖,浙江省自然科学优秀论文一等奖,江苏青年光学科技奖。主持国家杰出青年科学基金、新型光场调控物理及应用重大研究计划重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目/青年基金、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文专项基金等项目。入选“2010年江苏省十大青年科技之星”,2014—2017年连续4年入选Elsevier发布的“中国高被引用学者榜单(物理学和天文学)”,入选2017年美国光学学会杰出审稿人。担任中国激光杂志社青年编辑委员会副主任,全国光学青年学术论坛第二届主席团副主席。曾担任国际刊物Optics & Laser Technology副主编 (2012—2014年)。

报告题目:Manipulating spatial coherence structure of partially coherent beam and its applications

报告简介: High coherence is an important properties of laser beam, while laser beam with low spatial coherence (i.e., partially coherent beam) is preferred in many applications, such as free-space optical communications, ghost imaging, remote sensing, and so on. The spatial coherence structure of conventional partially coherent beam is of Gaussian distribution. Partially coherent beam with nonconventional coherence structure exhibits many novel properties, such as self-focusing, self-shaping, self-splitting and self-reconstruction, and is useful for optical manipulation, beam shaping, sub-Rayleigh imaging, information transfer and orbital angular momentum measurement. In this talk, I will introduce recent development on manipulating spatial coherence structure of partially coherent beam and its applications.

Tero Setala 教授 University of Eastern Finland,Finland

个人简介:TeroSet?l?, born 1973 in Finland, holds a DSc (Tech) degree from HelsinkiUniversity of Technology (now Aalto University). Currently he is professor onoptical coherence and nano optics at the University of Eastern Finland(Joensuu, Finland). He has some 100 refereed publications and 20 years ofresearch and/or teaching experience on various fields of optics, especiallyelectromagnetic coherence and polarization, near-field nano-optics andmicroscopy, plasmonics, ghost imaging, quantum optics, laser physics, Fourieroptics, and metamaterials. He is docent on physical optics at Aalto University,has chaired several conferences, and serves as associate editor of OpticsExpress and on the board of the European Optical Society (EOS).

报告题目:Measurement of spectral coherence Stokes parameters

报告简介: Compared with the traditional time-domain analysis the frequency-domain representation of random light is beneficial in situations involving light-matter interactions or broadband light. In the context of scalar fields it is known that the spectral degree of spatial coherence can be obtained by first narrowband filtering the light and then observing the visibility and position of the intensity fringes in the immediate vicinity of the optical axis in Young’s interferometer, i.e., detecting the equal-time degree of spatial coherence of the filtered light at the apertures. It has also been found that filtering does not alter the spectral degree of coherence and that the filtered light is crossspectrally pure. It also follows that the fringe visibility does not increase (change) if the filter passband is decreased, which was experimentally verified in. Our work generalizes the above results into the electromagnetic domain.

Hui Liu(刘辉) 教授 Nanjing University, China

个人简介:刘辉,南京大学物理学院教授,南京固体微结构物理国家重点实验室副主任,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划。2003年获得南京大学理学博士学位,2004-2005年在美国加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究,2009年德国斯图加特大学访问学者,2010年香港科技大学访问学者。长期从事人工微结构材料与微纳光学方面的研究,包括超构材料、金属表面等离激元与光子晶体,最近主要在变换光学芯片上模拟弯曲时空中光子态的演化与传播,其中光子黑洞的研究获得国际的广泛关注,被"Nature News"和"Scientific American"国际科学媒体报道。以第一作者或通讯作者在国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文60多篇,包括Nature Photonics、Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters、Physical Review X等, 论文引用超过2700次,其中单篇最高引用460次。主持承担科技部863项目,量子调控项目课题,自然基金重大项目课题,获得中国光学学会王大珩光学奖,江苏省光学科技奖,南京大学登峰人才计划等。

报告题目:Controlling photons by curved space in nanophotonics

报告简介:The fact that the propagation of light in curved space is analogous to that in inhomogeneous media is the underlying principle of emulating General Relativity (GR) phenomena. In artificial structures, the refractive index is structured to vary according to the curvature of space, giving rise to unique trajectories and controlling the propagation of light. In this talk, I will introduce the recent progress about the light controlling by mimicking curved space in nanophotonics, such as optical black hole, photonic Einstein’s rings, conformal Talbot effects, Spin-hall effects and topological defect of space-time. Some interesting optical effects in cosmic space are firstly observed in tiny photonic-chips.

Armando Rastelli 教授 Johannes Kepler University Linz,Austria

个人简介:Prof.Armando Rastelli heads the Semiconductor Physics division of the Institute ofSemiconductor and Solid-State Physics at the Johannes Kepler University ofLinz, Austria since 2012. He obtained his PhD in Physics from the University ofPavia, Italy, in 2003. During his PhD he was research assistant at the ETHZürich, Switzerland, and Marie-Curie-Fellow at the Technical University ofTampere, Finland. From 2003 to 2007 he was first PostDoc and then group leaderat the Max-Planck-Institute of Stuttgart, Germany, and, till 2012 at theLeibniz Institute of Dresden, Germany. Throughout his career, he has beendeveloping new methods to obtain, study, and control epitaxial quantum dots.The main current focus is on the optimization of GaAs quantum dots as quantumlight sources and their post-growth tuning via microstructured piezoelectricactuators. The combination of these two technologies has recently led totunable sources of entangled-photon pairs with near unity fidelity and themodification of the quantum-dot optical-selection-rules for applications inintegrated quantum photonics. He is coauthor of more than 220 peer-reviewedpapers with more than 8000 citations and has given 90 invited talks on hisresearch activities.

报告题目:Semiconductor quantum dots for quantum photonics applications

报告简介: Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) obtained by epitaxial growth are regarded as one of the most promising solid-state sources of triggered single and entangled photons for applications in emerging quantum communication and photonic quantum-information-processing. In this talk, I will introduce the “features and bugs” of QDs in view of their potential applications, followed by a presentation of some of our recent results.

Jing Feng(冯晶) 教授 JilinUniversity, China

个人简介:JingFeng received her B. S. and Ph. D. degrees in micro-electronics and solid-stateelectronics from Jilin University in 1997 and 2003, respectively. She worked asa postdoctoral researcher at RIKEN, Japan, from 2003 to 2006. She joined JilinUniversity in 2006, where she is a professor of College of Electronic Scienceand Engineering and State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics. Herresearch interests have been focused on organic optoelectronics andoptoelectronic devices. She has so far published over 100 papers in the abovefields, which have been cited for more than 2000 times according to ISIcitation report.

报告题目:Flexibleand stretchable organic optoelectronic devices

报告简介:Stretchability,efficiency and mechanical robustness of stretchable organic optoelectronicdevices are key issues for their applications in wearable electronics. Althoughhigh stretchability has been demonstrated, the efficiency and mechanical stabilityremain far below the practical requirement due to the significant challenges inmaterials, structures and controllability of the stretch-release process. Here we report stretchable organiclight-emitting devices (OLEDs) and organic photovoltaics with optimized thinelectrodes and device structure. Highly stretchable OLED has been demonstrated.

Alex Fuerbach 副教授 Macquarie University,Australia

个人简介:AlexanderFuerbach was born in Vienna, Austria. He obtained a Master’s degree inEngineering in 1999 and a PhD degree in Photonics in 2001 from ViennaUniversity of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Ferenc Krausz. He thenjoined the company Femtolasers Produktions GmbH where he was responsible forthe development of advanced ultrashort-pulsed Ti:Sapphire laser systems. In2004 he returned to academia and moved to Australia to take on a position asResearch Fellow at the University of Sydney, studying ultrafast pulsepropagation effects in novel optical fibers.In late2005 he was awarded an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship which allowed him toestablish his own research group at Macquarie University in Sydney where he hasbeen ever since. He is currently Associate Professor and Higher Degree ResearchDirector within the department of Physics and Astronomy.AlexanderFuerbach’s principal research interests are focused on the interaction offemtosecond laser pulses with solid matter for photonic device fabrication andthe development of waveguide and fiber laser systems, particular in themid-infrared spectral region.

报告题目:Mid-infrared fibre laser technology

报告简介: The mid-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum (2-20 μm) has attracted significant scientific and technological interest as all molecules have their ro-vibrational absorption lines in this wavelength range. Therefore, the mid-IR is usually referred to as the ‘molecular fingerprint’ region. Owing to the high-impact applications that result from the strong molecule-photon interaction, such as trace molecular detection for airport security screening and non-invasive breath analysis, research in mid-IR lasers and photonics has become one of the hottest topics in modern optics research over the last few years.In this talk I will summarise our recent scientific breakthroughs towards the development of all-fibre laser sources based on fluoride-glass optical fibres. In particular I will focus on the direct femtosecond laser-inscription of in-fibre components like Bragg gratings and polarisers as well as on the generation of an ultrabroadband supercontinuum in the mid-IR via nonlinear spectral broadening in hybrid chalcogenide/polymer microwires.

Shilie Pan(潘世烈) 研究员 Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, CAS, China

个人简介:Prof. Shilie Pan received his B.S in Chemistry from Zhengzhou University in 1996. He completed his Ph.D. under Prof. Yicheng Wu (Academician) at University of Science & Technology of China in 2002. From 2002.7-2004.11, he was a post-doctoral fellow at Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in the laboratory of Prof. Chuangtian Chen (Academician). From 2004.12-2007.5, he was a post-doctoral fellow at Northwestern University in the laboratory of Prof. Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier in USA. Since arriving at the Xinjiang Technical of Physics & Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007.6, Prof. Pan has received numerous awards and honors.Prof. Pan has published over 360 peer-reviewed papers, 7 authorized US patents, 65 authorized Chinese patents and has presented the research at conferences, institute and Universities and throughout China and world. Research in Prof. Pan's group involves the synthesis, crystal growth, crystal structure, properties characterization, structure-property relationships and devices in new optical-electronic functional materials.

报告题目:Finding the next deep-ultraviolet nonlinear optical material in fluorooxoborates

报告简介:As the key devices of the deep-ultraviolet (DUV, wavelength below 200 nm) all-solid-state lasers, DUV nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals have attracted increasing attention in the near decades. KBe2BO3F2 (KBBF) is the unique crystal that can directly generate the sixth harmonic laser of Nd: YAG lasers (wavelength = 177.3 nm). Though the optical performances of KBBF crystal are excellent, its intrinsic drawbacks like toxicity and layered growth habit limit the commercial applications. Thus, the design and synthesis of new DUV NLO crystal is of urgent demand.1 Our group have proposed a design strategy for DUV NLO materials by introducing the BO3F, BO2F2, and BOF3 new fundamental building units (FBUs) into borates.2 Under this material design strategy, a series of fluorooxoborates with excellent optical properties have been synthesized, such as Li2B6O9F2,2 AB4O6F (A = NH4, Na, Rb, Cs, K/Cs, Rb/Cs) series,3-5 and MB5O7F3 (M = Ca, Sr).6 It was demonstrated that all these materials have short absorption edges, large NLO responses, and suitable birefringence to satisfy the DUV phase-matching. From the insight of structure-properties relationship, their superior properties are largely attributed to the diverse B-O/F anionic groups and improved anisotropic polarizabilities. The experimental and calculated results strongly suggest that these new compounds are outstanding DUV NLO materials.

Zhiwei Sun 副教授 The University of Adelaide, Australia

个人简介:Dr Sun’s research mainly focuses on the development and application of advanced optical and laser-based spectroscopic methods to experimentally investigate reacting processes in energy-related thermal systems, e.g. combustion. These processes generally involve high turbulence, chemistry, heat transfer, other physical processes, and particularly non-linear couplings among them in small spatial scales but very fast. These processes are often very sensitive to external intrusions during measurements. Therefore, various non-intrusive optical and laser-based diagnosing methods have been developed and applied for measurements in these complex reacting systems to fundamentally understand the related dominate mechanisms, with aims of improving energy efficiency and seeking new energy resources.Dr. Zhiwei Sun had studied at the Department of Physics of Jilin University from 1999 to 2006 and then at the Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden, to 2012. After his graduation with a doctoral degree from Lund, he has been working at the CET of the University of Adelaide, Australia.

报告题目:Laser diagnostics in strongly radiating, turbulent sooting flames

报告简介:In this talk, Dr. Sun will present a novel laser diagnostics facility at the Centre for Energy Technology (CET) of The University of Adelaide. This optical facility is developed for simultaneous and planar diagnostics of multiple key parameters in nanoparticle-laden turbulent flames, i.e. sooting flames, together with its unique advantages and some results. Soot volume fraction, flame temperature, primary soot particle diameter and a dominant oxidizer (hydroxyl radials, OH) were instantaneously imaged in two dimensions in turbulent flames to advance the understanding of mechanisms that governs soot formation and reduction in combustion. It is indeed very challenging to apply laser-based methods in such nanoparticle laden reacting flows due to high radiation, laser scattering and other interferences from soot particles, which will be presented in detail followed with the details of the novel laser techniques. This talk also emphasizes the advantages of simultaneous imaging of multiple key parameters using non-intrusive laser techniques in studying turbulent sooting flames, where the complex processes involve high turbulence, chemical reactions, heat transfer, flows, and the non-linear coupling between them in small scales. Sun will also share his thoughts on how the rapid developments of lasers, optics and detectors have driven his research area, i.e. laser diagnostics in combustion and energy science.

HanZhang(张晗) 教授 Shenzhen University, China

个人简介:张晗,深圳大学光电工程学院教授。首届基金委优青、省杰青等。主要从事二维材料非线性超快光子与器件研究,近五年来,以通信作者发表中科院一区论文60余篇,包括PNAS、Nature Communications、Laser Photonics Review等。论文总引用超过16000次,H-index为62,其中ESI高引用论文超过40篇,两篇论文入选中国百篇最具影响力国际学术论文。兼任《Photonics Research》等多个SCI期刊副主编/专题主编、中国激光青年编委会秘书长等职务。

报告题目:Two-dimensionalblack phosphorus-based optoelectronics and bio-photonics

报告简介: Black phosphorous(BP), the most thermodynamically stable allotrope of phosphorus, is ahigh-mobility layered semiconductor with direct band-gap determined by thenumber of layers from 0.3 eV (bulk) to 2.0 eV (single layer). Therefore, BP isconsidered as a natural candidate for broadband optical applications,particularly in the infrared (IR) and mid-IR part of the spectrum. The stronglight-matter interaction, narrow direct band-gap, and wide range of tunableoptical response make BP as a promising nonlinear optical material,particularly with great potentials for infrared and mid-infraredopto-electronics. We demonstrate all-optical-thresholding, optical modulationand four wave-mixing for optical communications by using phosphorene-decoratedmicrofiber. Our findings, as the first prototypic device ofall-optical-thresholding, optical modulation and all-optical signal processingmight facilitate the development of phosphorene-based optical communicationtechnologies. Furthermore, BP has higher surface area to volume ratio ascompare to MoS2 and graphene since it has a puckered lattice formation, whichcan enhance the drug loading capacity. In addition to its fascinatingelectronic structure, BP nanosheet has been found to be highly efficientphotosensitizer, and can be employed as an agent of photodynamic treatment toproduce radical oxygen. Moreover, BP nanoparticles and BP quantum dots displaybroad absorptions in the whole visible light region. This phenomenon shows thatboth BP nanoparticles and BP quantum dots have NIR photothermal propertieswhich is use for photothermal treatment, these exceptional properties of BPmake it as a new potential nanomaterial for photothermal treatment and drugdelivery system of multimodal therapy for cancer. The potential applications ofBlack phosphorus based ultrafast optical modulation and Bio-photonicsapplications will be discussed in this talk.

HuailiangXu(徐淮良) 教授 JilinUniversity, China

个人简介:徐淮良,吉林大学教授,博士生导师,中国激光杂志社青年编辑委员会委员,《中国激光》编委。2004年于瑞典隆德大学物理系获博士学位,2005-2007年加拿大拉瓦尔大学物理系博士后,2008-2010年日本东京大学化学系任助理教授,现任吉林大学电子科学与工程学院副院长。主要从事激光光谱学、强场物理、超快激光加工等方面研究工作,发表SCI收录论文近150篇;应邀在Springer系列丛书《Progress inUltrafast Intense Laser Science》上发表5章节,在 Laser& Photonics Reviews等期刊上发表综述论文9篇,在国际会议上作大会报告/邀请报告近50次。2016年获国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金;入选教育部2009年度新世纪优秀人才支持计划以及科技部2017年度创新人才推进计划(中青年科技创新领军人才);2018年获聘日本东京大学非常勤讲师并获Zasshikai Lectureship奖。承担国家重大科研仪器研制项目、国家重大科学研究计划课题等项目20余项。

报告题目:Intenselaser-driven ultrafast population inversion in N2+ in air

报告简介: Remotegeneration of population-inverted gain media in air is a promising step towardsthe realization of bright and coherent atmospheric lasers, which have a varietyof potential applications in standoff spectroscopy and remote sensing. In thistalk I will introduce a so-called “air lasing” phenomenon, which results fromultrafast population inversion in N2+ induced by nonlinearpropagation of intense femtosecond laser pulses in air.

Jacques J Carolan 教授 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

个人简介:Jacques Carolan is a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Global Fellow at the Quantum Photonics Laboratory at MIT where his research leverages large-scale silicon photonics to develop next generation quantum technologies. He received his MSci in Physics and Philosophy from the University of Bristol in 2011 where he then joined the Centre for Quantum Photonics to earn a PhD in 2015. He was a 2014 EPSRC ICT Pioneer, attended the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting in 2016 on behalf of the Royal Society and won the Institute of Physics QEP thesis Commendation and UOB Faculty of Science Commendation for his thesis work.

报告题目:Large-scale silicon-based quantum photonic processors

报告简介:Photons play a central role in many areas of quantum information science, either as qubit themselves or to mediate interactions between long-lived matter based qubits. Techniques for (1) high-fidelity generation, (2) precise manipulation and (3) ultra-efficient detection of quantum states of light are therefore a prerequisite for virtually all quantum technologies. A quantum photonics processor is the union of these three core technologies into a single system, and, bolstered by advances in integrated photonics, promises to be a versatile platform for quantum information science. In this talk we present recent progress towards large-scale quantum photonic processors, leveraging the platform of silicon photonics which provides unrivalled performance in terms of component density, large-scale manufacturability and compatibility with CMOS electronics. We demonstrate protocols in quantum computing, quantum simulation, and classical deep learning; and propose a next generation architecture for quantum optical neural networks. These results indicate quantum photonic processors are a versatile platform for large-scale quantum technologies.

Ling Fu(付玲) 教授 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

个人简介:Dr. Ling Fu is a professor in Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics in Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO), and the Executive Dean for School of Engineering Sciences in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in China. Her research interest is optical microscopy and its applications to biomedicine. Nonlinear optical microscopy based on multiphoton absorption and higher harmonic generation has provided spectacular sights into visualization of cellular events within live tissue. Her group aims to develop real-time nonlinear optical imaging approaches to monitor how molecules work and cells interact in their natural environment. Her research focuses on the multicolor multiphoton microscopy for in vivo immunology, and confocal/multiphoton microendoscopy for neuron imaging. Dr. Ling Fu serves as an assistant editor in Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, and an editorial board member for Scientific Reports, a topical editor for Chinese Optical Letters. She is an International Council member of Optical Society of America (OSA), one of program chairs for 100th Annual Meeting of OSA. She is a senior member of Chinese Optical Society.

报告题目:Fiber-based methods for deep brain Calcium recording in behaving mice

报告简介:Neural network activity is accompanied with dynamic transients of calcium ion concentration. Traditional methods cannot access deep brain for calcium signal detection. In this talk, I will talk about the multi-channel fiber photometry system and a GRIN-based microscope for behaving mice, and their applications to calcium recording and imaging.

Hongwei Chen(陈宏伟) 教授 TsinghuaUniversity, China


报告题目:Opticalmatrix multiplication

报告简介: Opticalcomputing can replace current electronic computing devices and systems in manyways, and has the advantages of high throughput, low power consumption andparallelism, especially in matrix multiplication. Fast matrix multiplicationusing dispersive Fourier transformation is mainly used in compressive samplingsystem, which can overcome the speed limitation of current devices.

MinglieHu(胡明列) 教授 TianjinUniversity, China

个人简介:胡明列,天津大学精仪学院教授,博士生导师。常年致力于新型高功率光纤飞秒激光技术的相关基础性研究工作,获得多项国内外同行认可的创新性研究成果。已在国内外重要学术刊物上发表SCI收录论文150余篇,已被SCI他引用1000余次,多次在国内和国际会议上做邀请报告,并受邀担任国际光学权威期刊OSA和 IEEE系列杂志审稿人。主持973计划课题、863计划课题、自然科学基金等多项国家和省部级项目。基于上述科研方面的成绩, 2007年获得全国优秀博士论文并入选2007年度教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。光子晶体光纤飞秒激光技术通过教育部鉴定并入选2008年度“高等学校十大科技进展”,2009年荣获教育部技术发明一等奖。2013年获批自然基金优秀青年基金。2013年入选天津市青年科技奖。2014年入选天津市“中青年科技创新领军人才”。

报告题目:Fewcycle laser pulses generation from nonlinear fiber system

报告简介: It hasbeen shown by intensive research activities in the laser and photonics fieldsthat many novel properties unimaginable with conventional optical fibers canresult from the photonic crystal fibers (PCFs). With its huge degree of designfreedom, the propagation properties of PCF can be tailored for any needs.Recently, based on some of these properties, PCF has been successfully appliedin femtosecond laser technology and greatly improve the performance offemtosecond laser. A brief review of recent work on high power femtosecondlaser based on PCF is demonstrated. Furthermore, harmonic generation, opticalparametric process based on the high power femtosecond fiber laser can generatenew wavelengths of femtosecond pulses from the ultraviolet to mid-infrared. Fewcycle laser pulse can be obtained by optimization of nonlinear process in fibersystem.

Kebin Shi(施可彬)教授 Peking University, China

个人简介:Dr. Kebin Shi received his Bachelor's and Master’s degree from Nankai University in 1998 and 2001 respectively. He received his Ph.D degree at the Pennsylvania State University in 2007. Dr. Shi joined Peking University under the “Young Talent (BaiRen) Recruitment Program” as a professor in the Institute of Modern Optics in May 2011. Dr. Shi’s research focuses on developing novel photonic systems and devices based on ultrafast/nonlinear optical principles for spectroscopy, imaging and applications. His recent research interests include super-resolution imaging, nonlinear holography and femto-second frequency comb metrology. He currently serves as a chair of conference committee for Ultrafast Imaging and Spectroscopy Conference at SPIE Optics + Photonics meeting and member of Editorial Board of Scientific Reports. In 2013, Dr. Shi was awarded “National Natural Science Funds for Excellent Young Scholar” by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC). His research publication includes over 70 technical papers and 5 patents.

报告题目:Ultrafast/nonlinear photonics for imaging and spectroscopy

报告简介:Ultrafast/nonlinear optics has been playing important roles in modern scientific advances. In this talk, I will present our recent progresses on imaging, spectroscopy and precision metrology studies based on ultrafast/nonlinear optical physics.

Tian Jiang (江天) 教授 National University of Defense Technology, China

个人简介:Dr. Tian Jiang is an excellent researcher who has been selected in the “Young Talent Lifting Project” organized by China Association for Science and Technology. He has won many awards, including the second-class award of military's scientific and technological progress (ranking second) and new academic researcher award from the Ministry of education. His main research interests are in the fields of ultrafast spectroscopy technology and intelligent spectral detection. In the past three years, he has published more than 30 high impact factor journal papers as the first author or the communication author, including Laser Photonics Rev. Nanoscale, Adv. Opt. Mater., Opt. Lett. and Opt. Express.

报告题目:Ultrafast laser spectroscopy of lead halide perovskites: fundamentals

报告简介:Recent years have witnessed a tremendous success in the field of solar cells and LED with lead halide perovskite. Here we investigate the fundamental excited state dynamics in different forms of perovskite using ultrafast spectroscopy technique. We show that at high excitation intensity, the auger recombination in perovskite quantum dots (QDs) exhibits a two-order exciton-exciton annihilation instead of the common three-order one, which will reduce the nonradiative loss of carriers and benefit applications such as LED and laser. Furthermore, thanks to the excellent optical property of perovskite QDs, light utilization in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) is increased larger than 10 times through constructing perovskite QDs/TMDCs heterostructures. Finally, the 2D/3D hybrid perovskite has been investigated. Energy transfer and carrier transfer has been found to be coexistent, whose efficiency is promoted by the strong interlayer coupling of the different perovskite phases and thus can be utilized to address high performance device for both light-emitting and light-harvesting applications under certain architecture.






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