激光与光电子学进展, 2014, 51 (11): 110601, 网络出版: 2014-11-07   

远程光纤水听器系统中传输光纤引入噪声的抑制 下载: 549次

Suppression of Transmission Fiber Induced Noise in Remotely Optical Fiber Hydrophone System
杭州应用声学研究所, 浙江 杭州 310023
远程传输光纤受环境的影响会在水听器系统中引入噪声,利用迈克耳孙光纤干涉仪模拟光纤水听器,搭建了远程光纤水听器系统,采用参考干涉仪法解调对传输光纤引入的噪声进行抑制。实验结果表明,与常用的相位产生载波技术(PGC) 解调相比,参考干涉仪法解调在不影响传感水听器对声信号检测能力的情况下,对传输光纤引入的扰动噪声能进行良好的抑制,频率为500 Hz 噪声的抑制量可达到约25 dB,同时该方法使传感水听器系统中100 Hz 位置的本底噪声也降低了17 dB。
Noise will be caused because of the disturbance to the transmission fiber. The Michelson fiber interferometer is used to simulate the optical fiber hydrophone, and a remote optical fiber hydrophone system is built. The reference interferometer demodulation is used to suppress the noise caused by the transmission fiber. The experimental results show that compared with the phase generated carrier (PGC) demodulation, the ability to detect acoustic signal is not reduced by using the reference interferometer demodulation. A broadband noise caused by disturbing the transmission fiber is suppressed by maximal 25 dB at 500 Hz, and the ground noise is suppressed by 17 dB at 100 Hz.

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