激光技术, 2010, 34 (3): 381, 网络出版: 2010-08-31   


Numerical simulation and analysis of laser transmitting characteristic in smog
1 四川大学电子信息学院,成都 610064
2 西南技术物理研究所,成都 610041
为了解决激光驾束制导中发动机烟雾对制导激光场信号的衰减问题,采用van de Hulst近似计算方法,模拟研究了烟雾对1.06μm,1.55μm,10.6μm波长的激光在不同复折射率参量下的吸收、散射、衰减效应。结果表明,复折射率不变时,烟雾对长波长激光的吸收衰减较小;烟雾对激光的衰减峰值随着折射率虚部的增大而变小;峰值的位置随着激光波长的增加向粒子半径增大的方向移动。该研究结果对激光驾束制导**的研制具有较大的参考价值。
In order to study the smog extinction to the laser signal in laser beam ride guidance, the transmitting characteristics, such as absorption, scattering and attenuation, in smog of laser at the wavelength of 1.06μm, 1.55μm and 10.6μm were simulated with the method of van de Hulst . It is found that the absorption attenuation becomes smaller for laser at longer wavelength when the complex refractive index is a constant. The peak attenuation becomes smaller with the increase of the virtual refractive index. With the increase of laser wavelength, the position of peak attenuation moves toward the direction along which the radius of smoke or smog increases. The results are important reference for studying laser beam guidance.

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