“天琴计划”教育部重点实验室,天琴中心 & 物理与天文学院,天琴前沿科学中心,国家航天局引力波研究中心,中山大学(珠海校区),广东 珠海 519082
Overview: The space gravitational wave detection telescope is one of the core payloads of the gravitational wave detection satellite, simultaneously expanding and contracting the transmitted beam. Optical path stability is one of the core indices for the telescope, closely related to its structural stability. To meet the ultra-high path stability and structural stability requirements posed by the gravitational wave detection mission, it is essential to study the structural deformation measurement of the telescope. Currently, there are still several shortcomings in the research of multi-degree-of-freedom deformation measurement methods for gravitational wave detection telescopes, such as inaccurate selection of measurement points, inability to decouple multi-degree-of-freedom coupling, and unclear identification of error sources in multi-degree-of-freedom measurement. This paper deeply investigates the high-precision measurement of structural deformation of space-borne telescopes designed for space gravitational wave detection. It preliminarily establishes a framework and method system for measuring the structural deformation of space-borne telescopes, theoretically describing the measurement principle of the method. The feasibility of this method applied to space gravitational wave detection is verified through simulation analysis and error decomposition. The paper focuses on resolving the issue of decoupling multiple degrees of freedom, establishing a mathematical model using analytical methods, and conducting preliminary validation using Zemax. Finally, noise analysis of the measurement system is carried out, with experimental testing of the main noise components in the measurement system, validating the correctness of the theoretical noise model proposed in this paper. The experimental results show that near 1 Hz, the displacement noise background of the single-link interferometer is 100 pm/Hz1/2. At 1 mHz in the low-frequency range, the displacement noise background reaches 10 nm/Hz1/2. The noise level of the measurement system below 1 mHz is mainly limited by environmental temperature noise, while above 10 mHz, it is primarily constrained by laser frequency noise, phase acquisition background noise, and vibration noise. During the development phase of the space gravitational wave detection telescope, the research on this measurement method is expected to fulfill the telescope's multi-degree-of-freedom deformation measurement needs. It also provides data feedback for telescope design and offers guidance for the study of the telescope's optical path stability.
空间引力波探测望远镜 形变测量 多自由度 解耦研究 噪声分析 the space gravitational wave detection telescope deformation measurement multi-degree-of-freedom decoupling study noise analysis 
2024, 51(2): 230211
Author Affiliations
1 Tianjin University, Ministry of Education, School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information Technology Tianjin, China
2 University College London, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, London, United Kingdom
3 University of Mining and Technology, School of Materials Science and Physics, Xuzhou, China
4 Tianjin University, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin, China
5 Southeast University, School of Information Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Nanjing, China
6 Zhejiang University, College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano Electronic Devices and Smart Systems of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, China
Unlike conventional topological edge states confined at a domain wall between two topologically distinct media, the recently proposed large-area topological waveguide states in three-layer heterostructures, which consist of a domain featuring Dirac points sandwiched between two domains of different topologies, have introduced the mode width degree of freedom for more flexible manipulation of electromagnetic waves. Until now, the experimental realizations of photonic large-area topological waveguide states have been exclusively based on quantum Hall and quantum valley-Hall systems. We propose a new way to create large-area topological waveguide states based on the photonic quantum spin-Hall system and observe their unique feature of pseudo-spin-momentum-locking unidirectional propagation for the first time in experiments. Moreover, due to the new effect provided by the mode width degree of freedom, the propagation of these large-area quantum spin-Hall waveguide states exhibits unusually strong robustness against defects, e.g., large voids with size reaching several unit cells, which has not been reported previously. Finally, practical applications, such as topological channel intersection and topological energy concentrator, are further demonstrated based on these novel states. Our work not only completes the last member of such states in the photonic quantum Hall, quantum valley-Hall, and quantum spin-Hall family, but also provides further opportunities for high-capacity energy transport with tunable mode width and exceptional robustness in integrated photonic devices and on-chip communications.
large-area quantum spin-Hall waveguide states strong robustness against defects high-capacity energy transport mode width degree of freedom 
Advanced Photonics Nexus
2024, 3(1): 016009
曾妙娜 1,*杨名 1,2
1 安徽大学物理与光电工程学院, 安徽 合肥 230601
2 合肥综合性国家科学中心人工智能研究院, 安徽 合肥 230088
基于光学量子行走, 设计了一个能够实现远程光子偏振态和空间态交换的方案, 使得光子的低质量偏振纠缠与高质量空间纠缠发生互换, 最终使远程通信双方获得最大偏振纠缠态。也就是说, 利用光子在空间自由度上的远程纠缠资源来辅助, 可提高光子在偏振自由度上的远程纠缠。所有的后选择结果都是成功的, 因此这里的态交换是确定性的。该方案不仅适用于Werner态, 还适用于任意未知的远程光子偏振态, 因此该方案还具有普适性。方案中的半波片和光束移位器都是成熟的光学器件, 所以该方案简单易行, 为远程偏振纠缠操控提供了另一种备选方案。
量子光学 态交换 量子行走 空间自由度 quantum optics state swapping quantum walk spatial degree of freedom 
2023, 40(6): 924
李爱琳 1,2李璟 1,2,*
1 中国科学院 微电子研究所,北京00029
2 中国科学院大学,北京100049
为了提高超精密设备中多自由度工作台的效率和精度,在满足纳米精度要求的同时提高工程调试与集成效率,提出了一种针对多自由度工作台的轨迹规划方案。对前道工艺的应用场景和机电系统能力进行分析描述,聚焦轨迹规划的难点,提出了整定控制参数和确定轨迹动力学约束参数的方法。通过差分进化算法整定反馈控制器参数,再以控制器的实际跟踪效果和应用需求为优化目标,运用蒙特卡洛算法对参考轨迹进行优化迭代。最后与传统工程调试进行了实验对比。实验结果表明:在工作台扫描运动的重复定位精度均达到±5 nm/3σ要求的前提下,本文提出的方案能使跟踪误差快速收敛,调参次数减少约90%。该方案在保证超高运动定位精度的同时能够有效地提高工程调试与集成效率。
超精密系统 轨迹规划 蒙特卡洛算法 跟踪控制 多自由度耦合 ultra-precision system trajectory planning Monte Carlo algorithm servo control multi-degree-of-freedom coupling 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(17): 2534
合肥工业大学 仪器科学与光电工程学院 测量理论与精密仪器安徽省重点实验室,安徽合肥230009
为提高XY工作台对应功能点的空间位置精度,提出了一种六自由度(6-DOF)误差在线测量方法,并建立了相应的误差补偿模型。采用激光干涉原理测量工作台XY轴方向的定位误差和Z轴方向的直线度误差,采用激光自准直原理测量工作台绕XYZ轴转动的角度误差,从而实现6-DOF误差的在线测量。分析了6-DOF误差造成工作台对应功能点的空间位置误差,建立了基于阿贝原则和布莱恩原则的误差补偿模型。根据提出的测量方法,研制了一套高精度紧凑型的在位、在线6-DOF测量系统,将其应用于一台微纳米三坐标测量机的工作台上;以SIOS激光干涉仪为参考,对测量系统和误差补偿模型的有效性进行了实验验证,并评定了系统的不确定度。结果表明:经过6-DOF误差测量和补偿后,参考功能点在XYZ向的最大位置误差由1.7 μm,3.4 μm,3 μm分别减小至65 nm,81 nm,109 nm,其扩展不确定度分别为90 nm,98 nm,158 nm(k=2)。该方法和系统可被用于提高XY工作台的精度。
XY工作台 多自由度 补偿模型 阿贝原则 XY stage multi-degree-of-freedom compensation model Abbe principle 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(12): 1761
1 中国科学院 空间应用工程与技术中心 太空应用重点实验室,北京00094
2 中国科学院 空天信息创新研究院 计算光学成像技术实验室,北京100094
3 中国科学院大学,北京100094
鉴于通过测量高精度的位移数据可以获得高精度的微重力加速度数据,进而服务于多种空间科学载荷的研究任务,提出了一种基于三组正交对称角锥棱镜的双频光路,利用外差干涉测量技术实现空间惯性质量块的六自由度位移和角度测量的方法。通过光路矢量分析建立了实际角锥棱镜的光路模型,考虑质量块在运动过程中带来的附加光程差,推导了各测量光路的光程变化与质量块六自由度位姿的函数关系。为了克服小角度近似法精度不高的缺陷,提出了利用数值计算法解耦姿态角进而获得相对位移的位姿解算算法。利用空间在轨位姿数据和随机位姿数据进行系统仿真。仿真结果表明:数值计算的位移误差小于0.02 fm,且该方法的计算误差不会随着飞行器振动的增大而变大,算法具有更高的精度和更好的适应性。最后,分析了系统的误差来源,在保证角度安装误差小于5 mrad、距离安装误差小于10 μm且平行度小于2 mrad时,系统的姿态角测量误差小于0.017°,位移测量误差小于10 nm。本文提出的六自由度测量及解算方法也可以服务于其他精密加工与检测领域。
精密测量 外差干涉测量 双频激光干涉 微重力 惯性传感 六自由度 precision measurement heterodyne interference measurement dual frequency laser interference microgravity inertial sensing six-degree-of-freedom 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(11): 1593
1 天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室,天津 300072
2 北京卫星制造厂有限公司,北京 100094
目前视觉测量技术针对工业目标的六自由度测量,存在难以兼顾测量效率、精度与范围的问题。为此,本文提出了一种基于扫摆式多相机跟踪的六自由度测量方法,通过同站位不同角度多图像观测联合构成大尺寸坐标计算的冗余约束量,来实现高效率、高精度、大范围位姿测量。首先,提出相机旋转扫摆运动模型,快速估计相机位姿,并作为先验信息进行图像匹配与空间后方交会,得到精确相机位姿,进行空间前方交会;然后,提出了基于像点平差的位姿估计方法,直接利用物体移动前后的像点信息作为观测值,进行物体位姿的最优化估计。实验结果表明,测量效率提高了4倍,单点精度的最大误差不超过0.2 mm,姿态精度的最大误差不超过0.043°,证实提出方法能有效测量物体的六自由度位姿,一定程度上平衡了测量效率、精度与范围的矛盾。
视觉测量 六自由度测量 罗德里格斯公式 光束法平差 扫摆式运动 
2023, 60(3): 0312019
徐欣 1,2†谈宜东 1,2,*†穆衡霖 1,2李岩 1,2[ ... ]金景峰 3
1 清华大学精密仪器系,北京 100084
2 清华大学精密测试技术及仪器全国重点实验室,北京 100084
3 陆军装备项目管理中心,北京 100072
在空天探索领域,空间引力波探测是当前国际研究热点,核心技术是测量相距数百万千米的两测试质量间的平动转动等多个自由度,探测灵敏度需要在1 mHz~1 Hz频段达到~1 pm/Hz1/2以及~1 nrad/Hz1/2水平。目前,激光干涉是实现如此远距离的两个物体之间多自由度测量的最精密的手段,本文介绍了面向空间引力波探测的激光外差多自由度超精密测量技术,概述了其光路结构、测量原理、相位信号处理方法,回顾了近三十年国内外相关研究进展,并分析了空间引力波探测中外差干涉测量的噪声源作用机制以及相关研究进展。最后,对激光外差干涉多自由度超精密测量技术的发展趋势和前景作了展望。
测量 空间引力波探测 激光外差干涉 多自由度测量 差分波前传感 
2023, 60(3): 0312006
北京交通大学发光与光信息技术教育部重点实验室,北京 100044
测量 单自由度测量 多自由度同时测量 数控机床误差测量 研究现状与发展趋势 
2023, 60(3): 0312012
李燕军 1,2张敏 1,2,*刘洋 1,2董岩 2
1 长春理工大学光电工程学院,吉林 长春 130022
2 长春理工大学空地激光通信国防重点学科实验室,吉林 长春 130022
为了减少机载激光通信光电跟踪稳定平台的脱靶量误差,提出一种基于观测器的二自由度内模控制方法。以经过电流环化简后的速度环为被控对象,采用二自由度内模控制对系统进行校正,将干扰观测器的控制律引入到二自由度内模控制中以降低模型误差和外部扰动对系统性能的影响。通过仿真和实验验证了所提方法的高性能。实验结果显示,改进的内模控制在抗干扰能力、鲁棒性和跟踪性能上都优于传统内模控制;将改进的内模控制算法用于实际系统中也有较好的跟踪性能,其跟踪精度约为143 μrad,与传统内模控制相比提高了约24%。
光纤光学与光通信 机载激光通信 二自由度内模控制 干扰 干扰观测器 
2023, 60(1): 0106007

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