1 南京邮电大学电子与光学工程学院、柔性电子(未来技术)学院,江苏 南京 210023
2 射频集成与微组装技术国家地方联合工程实验室,江苏 南京 210023
为了解决硅纳米线光电探测器光吸收率较低的问题,构造了一种六边形硅纳米线结构的光电探测器,并在该结构上覆盖零带隙的石墨烯,同时加入Au光栅,最后利用COMSOL软件对器件结构进行建模分析。研究表明,在0.5~1.5 μm光波段范围内,石墨烯的覆盖和Au光栅的加入能有效提升器件的光吸收性能,并且石墨烯与Au光栅的厚度均对该器件性能有所影响。
纳米线光电探测器 光吸收率 石墨烯 LSPR效应 COMSOL软件 
2024, 61(5): 0504001
吕超林 1,*†尤立星 1,2,**†覃俭 1徐光照 1[ ... ]史经浩 1
1 赋同量子科技(浙江)有限公司,浙江 嘉兴 314100
2 集成电路材料全国重点实验室,中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所,上海 200050
自2001年被发明以来,超导纳米线单光子探测器(SNSPD)迅速成长为近红外波段的明星光子探测器,其在近红外波段如1550 nm处系统探测效率超过95%,暗计数率低于1 cps(counts per second),时间抖动优于10 ps,探测速率高于1 GHz,并广泛应用在量子信息领域。近年来,研究人员开始将SNSPD引入到生物领域,以替代在近红外波段具有低信噪比、多后脉冲的半导体单光子探测器。本文将介绍SNSPD的探测原理和性能指标,并系统地阐述SNSPD在生物领域中的应用现状和发展前景。
超导纳米线单光子探测器 共聚焦显微镜 单线态氧检测 漫反射光谱 荧光寿命成像 
2024, 61(1): 0104002
Chenglin Du 1,2Ran Ye 1,2,*Xiaolong Cai 1,2,**Xiangyang Duan 1,2[ ... ]Minhan Mi 3
Author Affiliations
1 State Key Laboratory of Mobile Network and Mobile Multimedia Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
2 Wireless Product Planning Department, ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518055, China
3 School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
The GaN HEMT is a potential candidate for RF applications due to the high frequency and large power handling capability. To ensure the quality of the communication signal, linearity is a key parameter during the system design. However, the GaN HEMT usually suffers from the nonlinearity problems induced by the nonlinear parasitic capacitance, transconductance, channel transconductance etc. Among them, the transconductance reduction is the main contributor for the nonlinearity and is mostly attributed to the scattering effect, the increasing resistance of access region, the self-heating effect and the trapping effects. Based on the mechanisms, device-level improvement methods of transconductance including the trapping suppression, the nanowire channel, the graded channel, the double channel, the transconductance compensation and the new material structures have been proposed recently. The features of each method are reviewed and compared to provide an overview perspective on the linearity of the GaN HEMT at the device level.
GaN HEMT linearity improvement transconductance reduction transconductance compensation nanowire channel graded channel 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(12): 121801
1 南京信息工程大学 电子与信息工程学院,南京 210044
2 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 信息功能材料国家重点实验室,上海 200050
3 赋同量子科技(浙江)有限公司,浙江 嘉兴 314100
4 无锡学院 电子信息工程学院,江苏 无锡 214105
针对超导纳米线单光子探测器(SNSPD)应用需求的多样化,设计了一款面向SNSPD的可拓展时间抖动测量模块。基于对SNSPD系统时间抖动测量原理的分析,设计了数字化单元、时间数字转换(TDC)单元和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)单元,实现对SNSPD输出信号的数字化、时间信息测量以及数据读取。对该模块TDC单元的分辨率、线性度和时间精度分别标定,测试结果表明TDC单元的分辨率好于55 ps,测量数据呈线性,100 ns以内时间精度低于36 ps。通过结合实用化SNSPD系统,实现了100 ps左右的时间抖动表征,并与商用时间相关单光子计数(TCSPC)模块进行对比,验证了该模块对于SNSPD系统时间抖动测量的可行性。
超导纳米线单光子探测器 时间抖动 时间数字转换 现场可编程门阵列 superconducting nanowire single photon detector time jitter time-to-digital conversion field-programmable gate array 
2023, 44(3): 376
1 南京邮电大学电子与光学工程学院、柔性电子(未来技术)学院,江苏 南京 210023
2 南京邮电大学贝尔英才学院,江苏 南京 210023
随着光通信产业和光互联技术的高速发展,具有高调制速率且易集成的小尺寸电光调制器件研究越来越重要。提出了一种以硅绝缘体(SOI)材料为基底的光子晶体纳米梁腔(PCNC)反射壁下载型电光调制器。信号光经过主线波导后首先被锥形波导耦合进一维光子晶体纳米梁腔中,然后进入下载波导并输出。优化主线波导与下载波导中反射圆孔的位置与个数,可以提高器件的整体透射率。纳米梁腔采用圆孔形渐变孔径,使得光束更好地被束缚在腔内。同时,在纳米梁腔两侧引入掺杂以形成PN结,施加较低偏压以改变纳米梁腔的谐振波长,从而实现工作波长光信号的“通”“断”调制。运用三维时域有限差分(3D‐FDTD)法对调制器的光学特性和电学性能进行仿真分析。结果表明,该电光调制器可以实现波长为1550.01 nm的光信号调制,调制电压仅为1.2 V,插入损耗为0.2 dB,消光比为24 dB,面积仅为54 μm2,调制速率为8.7 GHz,调制带宽为122 GHz,调制速率下的能耗仅为4.17 pJ/bit。所提出的电光调制器结构紧凑,性能优异,有望应用于高速大容量光通信系统和集成硅光子技术等领域。
光通信 载流子色散效应 时域有限差分法 光子晶体纳米梁腔 硅基波导 电光调制器 
2023, 50(19): 1901005
Author Affiliations
1 Group of Applied Astronomy, Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650216, China
2 Key Laboratory of Space Object & Debris Observation, PMO, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China
Space Debris Laser Ranging (DLR) is a technique to measure range to defunct satellites, rocket bodies or other space targets in orbits around Earth. The analysis shows that one of the reasons for the low success probability of DLR is the inaccurate orbital prediction of targets. Then it is proposed to use the Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector (SNSPD) running in automatic-recoverable range-gate-free mode, in which case, the effect of the accuracy of the target’s orbital prediction on the success probability of DLR is greatly reduced. In this way, 249 space debris were successfully detected and 532 passes of data were obtained. The smallest target detected was the space-debris (902) with an orbital altitude of about 1000 km and a Radar Cross Section (RCS) of 0.0446 m2. The farthest target detected was the space-debris (12,445) with a large elliptical orbit and an RCS of 18.2505 m2, of which the range of the normal point (NPT) of the measured arc-segment on January 27, 2019 was 6260.805 km.
Space Debris Laser Ranging The success probability of DLR Range-gate-free mode Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector 
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
2023, 19(1): 2023002
重庆科技学院冶金与材料工程学院, 重庆 401331
本文提出了一种简便、可规模化制备CoO纳米线@C/碳布(CC)复合材料的方法, 该复合材料可用作无粘结剂锂离子电池负极。首先通过简单的水热和煅烧法制备了CoO纳米线@碳布复合材料, 再通过葡萄糖溶液浸渍和煅烧获得具有三维立体结构的CoO纳米线@C/CC复合电极材料。碳包覆的CoO纳米线均匀地分散在碳布上, 形成导电的碳网络。在碳布上原位生长的CoO纳米线可以有效缩短锂离子的转移路径, 降低接触电阻。碳涂层厚度约为1 nm, 显著抑制了锂离子嵌入/嵌出过程中活性材料的粉碎, 以及CoO在电解液中的直接暴露。结果表明CoO纳米线@C/CC复合材料用作锂离子电池的无粘结剂负极时, 具有良好的充放电性能和循环稳定性。电流密度为1 A·cm-2时, 200次循环后的比容量为863 mAh·cm-2(容量保持率75.83%)。本研究为柔性锂离子电池负极材料的制备提供了一种可行的新选择。
CoO纳米线 碳包覆 柔性 锂离子电池 负极 CoO nanowire carbon coating flexible lithium-ion battery anode 
2023, 52(6): 1154
杨帆 1许并社 1,2,3董海亮 1,2张爱琴 1[ ... ]贾志刚 1,2
1 太原理工大学新材料界面科学与工程教育部重点实验室, 太原 030024
2 山西浙大新材料与化工研究院, 太原 030000
3 陕西科技大学材料原子·分子科学研究所, 西安 710021
本文设计了纳米线核壳AlGaN/GaN异质结构, 研究了势垒层厚度、Al组分、掺杂浓度对平面和纳米线异质结构中二维电子气(2DEG)浓度的影响规律。结果表明, 随着势垒层厚度的逐渐增大, 两种结构中2DEG浓度增速逐渐减缓, 当达到40 nm后, 由于表面态电子完全发射, 2DEG浓度逐渐稳定不变。随着Al组分的增加, 极化效应逐渐增强, 使得两种结构在异质界面处的2DEG浓度都逐渐增加。当掺杂浓度逐渐提高时, 两者在异质界面处电势差增大, 势阱加深, 束缚电子能力加强, 最终导致2DEG浓度逐渐增加, 当掺杂浓度增加到2.0×1018 cm-3后, 2DEG面密度达到最大值。与平面结构相比, 纳米线结构可以实现更高的Al组分, 在高Al组分之下, 2DEG面密度最高可达5.13×1013 cm-2, 相比于平面结构有较大的提高。
纳米线结构 平面结构 二维电子气浓度 异质结构 能带结构 AlGaN/GaN AlGaN/GaN nanowire structure planar structure two-dimensional electron gas concentration heterostructure band structure 
2023, 52(6): 1136
Author Affiliations
Bendable Electronics and Sensing Technologies (BEST) Group, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, U.K
Disposable devices designed for single and/or multiple reliable measurements over a short duration have attracted considerable interest recently. However, these devices often use non-recyclable and non-biodegradable materials and wasteful fabrication methods. Herein, we present ZnO nanowires (NWs) based degradable high-performance UV photodetectors (PDs) on flexible chitosan substrate. Systematic investigations reveal the presented device exhibits excellent photo response, including high responsivity (55 A/W), superior specific detectivity (4x1014 jones), and the highest gain (8.5x1010) among the reported state of the art biodegradable PDs. Further, the presented PDs display excellent mechanical flexibility under wide range of bending conditions and thermal stability in the measured temperature range (5–50 °C). The biodegradability studies performed on the device, in both deionized (DI) water (pH≈6) and PBS solution (pH=7.4), show fast degradability in DI water (20 mins) as compared to PBS (48 h). These results show the potential the presented approach holds for green and cost-effective fabrication of wearable, and disposable sensing systems with reduced adverse environmental impact.
transient electronics degradable devices ZnO nanowire chitosan UV photodetector printed electronics 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2023, 6(2): 220020
Author Affiliations
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Espoo, Finland
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are expected to play a significant role in the ongoing second quantum revolution, thanks to their stability and scalability. Still, major upgrades are needed for available PIC platforms to meet the demanding requirements of quantum devices. We present a review of our recent progress in upgrading an unconventional silicon photonics platform toward this goal, including ultralow propagation losses, low-fiber coupling losses, integration of superconducting elements, Faraday rotators, fast and efficient detectors, and phase modulators with low-loss and/or low-energy consumption. We show the relevance of our developments and our vision in the main applications of quantum key distribution, to achieve significantly higher key rates and large-scale deployment; and cryogenic quantum computers, to replace electrical connections to the cryostat with optical fibers.
silicon photonics quantum key distribution quantum computers cryogenic photonics superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors quantum technologies superconducting qubits silicon qubits 
Advanced Photonics Nexus
2023, 2(2): 024002

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