光学 精密工程, 2020, 28 (2): 424, 网络出版: 2020-05-27  


Gesture recognition with EMG signals based on ensemble RNN
1 北京师范大学 人工智能学院, 北京 100875
2 Department of Computer Modeling and Multiprocessor Systems, St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Saint Petersburg 199034
3 Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) 15064
肌肉计算机接口(MCI)系统是虚拟现实、人机交互研究的热点之一, 其核心问题是EMG肌电信号分类, 因而MCI系统可以与深度学习方法有效结合。表面EMG信号分为高密度瞬时信号与稀疏多通道信号, 前者类似于图像, 可以采用CNN网络处理; 本文应用RNN网络对后者进行研究, 并利用MYO臂环实现了相应MCI系统。稀疏多通道EMG信号是不定长时间序列信号, 前后时间相关性高, 采用RNN网络进行分类。通过对原始信号进行时域、时频域、频域特征拓展, 获得原始信号的多流特征序列, 并提出两类组合RNN网络架构处理相应多流信号。用户依赖时算法准确率达90.78%, 非用户依赖的人群测试中手势识别准确率达78.01%, 实时动作识别准确率达82.09%, 算法能在61.7毫秒内识别手势动作。本文所提出的组合RNN网络方法可以有效区分基于EMG信号的不同动作, 且所设计的MCI系统用户泛化性与工作实时性表现好。
The Muscle Computer Interface (MCI) system is one of the areas of active interest in virtual reality and human-computer interaction research. The main problem associated with the MCI was the EMG signal classification, to facilitate the effective combination of an MCI system with deep learning methods. Surface EMG signals include high-density transient signals and sparse multi-channel signals. The former was analogous to an image that can be recognized by a CNN network. The latter was studied in this investigationin which an MCI system with an MYO armband was realized. Sparse multi-channel EMG signals were long-term sequence signals with a high correlation between time and time that can be recognized by an RNN network. We proposd a combined RNN network architecture to recognize gestures with multi-stream feature sequence signals that were obtained by extending the original signals in the time-domain and time-frequency domain. The accuracy of the net is 90.78%. We perform cross-validation without a self-training set using 35 individuals, and the accuracy of the classification is 78.01%. The accuracy of real-time gesture recognition in the MCI system is 82.09%, and the action can be recognized within 61.7 milliseconds. We establish that the combined RNN nets can classify different gestures using EMG signals, and the MCI system performs well in generalization and real-time recognition.

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