Author Affiliations
Key Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensing and Communications, Ministry of Education, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
All-fiber few-mode erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (FM-EDFAs) with isolation and wavelength division multiplexers (IWDMs) have been developed to enable flexible pumping in different directions. The FM-EDFA can achieve >30 dB modal gain with <0.3 dB differential modal gain (DMG). We experimentally simulate the DMG performance of a cascade FM-EDFA system using the equivalent spectrum method. The overall DMG reaches 1.84 dB after 10-stage amplification. We also build a recirculating loop to simulate the system, and the developed FM-EDFA can support transmission up to 3270 km within a 2 dB overall DMG by optimizing the few-mode fiber length in the loop.
mode division multiplexing few-mode erbium-doped fiber amplifier gain equalization 
Chinese Optics Letters
2024, 22(4): 041401
北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院,北京 100044
多芯超模光纤(MCSMF)的芯间距较小,多个芯子共同形成芯区支持多个超模传输,与普通单芯少模光纤相比,其具有较大的有效模场面积和较小的模式串扰,备受关注。MCSMF用于长距离传输时,与其相匹配的新型增益均衡放大器是实现信号中继并保持信号稳定传输的必要器件。文中提出了一种基于粒子群优化算法的19芯超模光纤增益均衡放大器,该光纤支持10个超模共同传输。通过粒子群算法分别优化各纤芯内掺铒浓度来降低不同超模的交叠积分因子,从而减小模式增益差(DMG)。结果表明,在包层泵浦条件下,最大DMG从1.33 dB (各纤芯均匀掺杂)降低至0.20 dB,在1 550 nm信号波长处10模式的平均增益为27.79 dB,且该放大器在整个C波段的增益平坦度低于1 dB。
光通信 多芯超模光纤放大器 粒子群优化算法 增益均衡 optical communication multi-core supermode fiber amplifier particle swarm optimization algorithm gain equalization 
2024, 53(1): 20230504
1 西安邮电大学现代邮政学院,陕西 西安 710121
2 西安邮电大学电子工程学院,陕西 西安 710121
3 西安邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710121
随着新一代移动通信系统发展,对高数据速率和更大带宽的需求日益增加,利用碲基光纤作为传输介质,采用了两路二阶泵浦和四路一阶泵浦设计的二阶拉曼光纤放大器实现了对C+L全波段信号光进行放大,能够有效缓解带宽增长给光通信网络带来的挑战。首先对简化后的二阶拉曼耦合波方程进行数值求解,再利用合作搜索算法对二阶拉曼光纤放大器泵浦参数进行优化,以达到提升系统输出性能的目的。同时,分析了在相同泵浦参数的配置下一阶拉曼光纤放大器和二阶拉曼光纤放大器的性能以及二阶泵浦光功率、光纤长度这两个重要因素对二阶碲基拉曼光纤放大器平均输出增益和增益平坦度的影响。最终在1530~1630 nm的超宽带宽范围内,设计出的二阶碲基光纤拉曼放大器平均输出增益为27.3601 dB,增益平坦度为0.6601 dB。
光纤光学 碲基光纤 二阶拉曼光纤放大器 合作搜索算法 增益平坦度 
2024, 61(5): 0506007
罗志会 1,2向昊 1,2徐冰 1,2,*
1 三峡大学湖北省弱磁探测工程技术研究中心,湖北 宜昌 443002
2 三峡大学理学院,湖北 宜昌 443002
提出了一种基于超弱光纤光栅阵列的长距离传感系统。基于超弱光纤光栅的离散分布和高信噪比特点,采用分段采集的方法降低系统对数据缓存和计算能力的要求,利用ZYNQ(ZYNQ-7035 All Programmable SoC)嵌入式底层硬件实现对选定空间上10 km传感段的解调。采用OptiSystem软件仿真分析系统的功率预算,精准设计入纤脉冲光功率以及拉曼光纤放大器的配置,结合电路的动态分段增益,实现长距离传感系统中的功率均衡,并搭建实验系统予以验证。结果表明:系统工作距离可以达到50 km,传感信号的强度波动小于2.2 dB,空间分辨率为1.5 m,解调速度为0.3 Hz,远端的解调精度稳定在6 pm以内,温度测量精度为±0.15 ℃,应变测量精度为±5.5 με。系统整体性能优于传统的分布式布里渊传感系统,且具有良好的可扩展性,在长距离光纤温度、应变感测上具有明显的技术优势。
光纤布拉格光栅 长距离传感 光纤传感系统 拉曼光纤放大器 
2024, 61(5): 0506005
曾令筏 1文榆钧 1王小林 1,2,3,*王鹏 1,2,3[ ... ]许晓军 1,2,3
1 国防科技大学前沿交叉学科学院,湖南 长沙 410073
2 国防科技大学南湖之光实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
3 国防科技大学高能激光技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
模式不稳定是限制当前高功率光纤激光器功率提升的主要因素。在近单模光纤激光器中,一般采用减小光纤弯曲直径的方法增加高阶模损耗、提升模式不稳定阈值;然而,少模光纤激光器中存在多个高阶模式,会导致动态模式不稳定(TMI)阈值随着弯曲直径减小而降低的反常模式不稳定现象。基于纤芯/包层直径为30/600 μm的双包层掺镱光纤以及具有不同直径的光纤水冷柱,设计了一台后向泵浦的高功率光纤放大器,研究了该激光器中的反常模式不稳定现象。结果表明:当采用中心波长为976 nm的稳波长激光二极管(LD)作为泵浦源时,随着增益光纤弯曲直径由13 cm增加至16 cm,激光器的TMI阈值由1650 W提升至3740 W,提升幅度约为1.27倍,输出激光的相对亮度提升了87%。光纤弯曲直径的增加虽然会带来输出激光光束质量的轻微退化,但输出激光的相对亮度能够大幅提升。最终,结合光纤弯曲以及泵浦波长优化,实现了7.1 kW高亮度光纤激光输出,相对亮度为1293。
光纤光学 光纤放大器 反常模式不稳定 光纤弯曲 泵浦波长优化 
2024, 51(6): 0601001
Yihong Fang 1,2Xinyi Zhang 1,2Xiheng Huang 1,2Yan Zeng 1,2[ ... ]Yuwen Qin 1,2,3,**
Author Affiliations
1 Institute of Advanced Photonics Technology, School of Information Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
2 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Information Photonics Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
3 Key Laboratory of Photonic Technology for Integrated Sensing and Communication, Ministry of Education, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
The dynamic gain of a few-mode erbium-doped fiber amplifier (FM-EDFA) is vital for the long-haul mode division multiplexing (MDM) transmission. Here, we investigate the mode-dependent dynamic gain of an FM-EDFA under various manipulations of the pump mode. First, we numerically calculate the gain variation with respect to the input signal power, where a mode-dependent saturation input power occurs under different pump modes. Even under the fixed intensity profile of the pump laser, the saturation input power of each spatial mode is different. Moreover, high-order mode pumping leads to a compression of the linear amplification region, even though it is beneficial for the mitigation of the differential modal gain (DMG) arising in all guided modes. Then, we develop an all-fiber 3-mode EDFA, where the fundamental mode of the pump laser can be efficiently converted to the LP11 mode using the all-fiber mode-selective coupler (MSC). In comparison with the traditional LP01 pumping scheme, the DMG at 1550 nm can be mitigated from 1.61 dB to 0.97 dB under the LP11 mode pumping, while both an average gain of 19.93 dB and a DMG of less than 1 dB can be achieved from 1530 nm to 1560 nm. However, the corresponding signal input saturation powers are reduced by 0.3 dB for the LP01 mode and 1.6 dB for the LP11 mode, respectively. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that a trade-off occurs between the DMG mitigation and the extension of the linear amplification range when the intensity profile of pump laser is manipulated.
few-mode erbium-doped fiber amplifier differential modal gain saturation input power 
Chinese Optics Letters
2024, 22(2): 021403
侯文强 1,2裴丽 1,2,*王建帅 1,2郑晶晶 1,2[ ... ]宁提纲 1,2
1 北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,北京 100044
2 北京交通大学光波技术研究所全光网络与现代通信网教育部重点实验室,北京 100044
掺铋光纤放大器有助于将光纤通信系统拓展至新的传输波段。然而,其增益和噪声性能存在相互制约的关系,提升增益往往会导致噪声性能的恶化,反之亦然。因此,提出一种结合反向传播神经网络(BPNN)和带精英保留策略的快速非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)的多目标优化方法,通过对两级掺铋光纤放大器结构进行设计,实现了增益和噪声性能的同时优化。使用经过训练的BPNN对增益和噪声系数预测的均方根误差分别为0.191和0.084,具有较高预测精度。以高增益和低噪声系数为目标,使用NSGA-Ⅱ算法进行优化,得到包含500个解的Pareto最优解集。优化后,放大器所能实现的平均增益范围为15~37 dB,相应的平均噪声系数范围为4.95~5.31 dB。利用BPNN代替求解耦合微分方程来评价个体适应度,使得优化时间较传统方法由106 s左右降低为80 s左右,大幅提升了优化效率。所提方法也为其他掺杂光纤放大器的高效率、多目标结构优化设计提供了一种新的思路。
光纤通信 掺铋光纤放大器 反向传播神经网络 多目标优化 带精英保留策略的快速非支配排序遗传算法 
2024, 44(2): 0206001
武汉邮电科学研究院,武汉 430074
掺铒光纤放大器 频率响应 数据处理 erbium-doped fiber amplifier, frequency response, 
2023, 47(5): 0088
Chaoyu Ning 1,2,3,4Shuzhen Zou 1,4Haijuan Yu 1,2,3,4Jiexi Zuo 1,2,3,4[ ... ]Xuechun Lin 1,2,3,4,*
Author Affiliations
1 Laboratory of All-Solid-State Light Sources, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
3 College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
4 Beijing Engineering Technology Research Center of All-Solid-State Lasers Advanced Manufacturing, Beijing, China
In this work, we experimentally investigate the dependence of the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) effect on the seed linewidth of a high-power nanosecond superfluorescent fiber source (ns-SFS). The results reveal that the SRS in the ns-SFS amplifier is significantly influenced by the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the ns-SFS seed, and there is an optimal FWHM linewidth of 2 nm to achieve the lowest SRS in our case. The first-order SRS power ratio increases rapidly when the seed’s linewidth deviates from the optimal FWHM linewidth. By power scaling the ns-SFS seed with the optimal FWHM linewidth, a narrowband all-fiberized ns-SFS amplifier is achieved with a maximum average power of 602 W, pulse energy of 24.1 mJ and corresponding peak power of 422.5 kW. This is the highest average power and pulse energy achieved for all-fiberized ns-SFS amplifiers to the best of our knowledge.
fiber amplifier high power nanosecond superfluorescent fiber source stimulated Raman scattering effect 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2023, 11(6): 06000e88
复旦大学通信科学与工程系电磁波信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海 200433
空分复用 强耦合 少模光纤 模分复用器 少模光纤放大器 集成器件 
2023, 60(23): 2300008

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