河南理工大学, 物理与电子信息学院 河南 焦作 454003
为提高光载无线(radio over fiber, ROF)中光生毫米波的倍频系数及降低系统的复杂度, 提出了一种基于级联双驱动马赫曾德尔调制器(dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator, DMZM)与高非线性光纤(highly nonlinear fiber, HNLF)相结合的24倍频毫米波光载无线通信系统; 通过调节参数使两个调制器均工作在最大偏置点, 产生频谱纯净的四阶光边带, 采用单边带调制的方式将数据信号加载到4阶边带而后两边带耦合传输, 经过HNLF的四波混频效应后滤波得到12阶光边带, 最终由光电探测器(photo detector, PD)拍频生成高质量的24倍频毫米波信号。此外, 分析了HNLF的长度、入纤光功率以及标准线性光纤对系统性能的影响, 仿真结果表明, 当系统处于无差错传输时, 背靠背(back-to-back, BTB)传输与经30 km光纤传输后的功率代价为2.5 dB。该方案结构简单、成本低廉、倍频系数高, 为微波光子学的发展提供了一种新途径。
毫米波 24倍频 双驱动马赫曾德尔调制器 高非线性光纤 四波混频 光载无线通信 millimeter wave 24-tupling dual-drive Mach Zehnder modulator highly nonlinear fiber four-wave mixing radio over fiber 
2023, 29(1): 010702
闫丽 1,2,3林启蒙 1,2,3宋园起 1,2,3贾谞卓 1,2,3[ ... ]江曼 1,2,3,*
1 西北大学 光子学与光子技术研究所,西安 710127
2 西北大学 陕西省光电子技术重点实验室,西安 710127
3 西北大学 省部共建西部能源光子技术国家重点实验室,西安 710127
报道了一种基于非线性光纤的宽光谱类噪声锁模掺铒光纤激光器。在非线性偏振旋转锁模掺铒光纤激光谐振腔内引入色散补偿光纤和高非线性光纤,实现腔内色散和非线性管理,最终获得稳定的锁模脉冲输出。当在谐振腔内引入6 cm高非线性光纤时,可以获得中心波长为1 534 nm,脉冲宽度为1.9 ps,重复频率为20.1 MHz,40 dB光谱带宽约为100 nm的超短脉冲输出。在此基础上,将高非线性光纤长度增加至30 cm时,通过优化波片角度,观察到稳定的类噪声锁模脉冲输出,其输出光谱覆盖范围为1 280~1 850 nm,40 dB带宽为500 nm,尖峰脉冲宽度短至70.9 fs,基座脉冲宽度为26.6 ps,重复频率约19.7 MHz。同时在实验中发现随着泵浦功率的提高,类噪声脉冲的基座脉宽和尖峰脉宽的演化呈相反趋势,光谱覆盖范围更宽。该类噪声锁模光纤激光器的研究对低相干光谱干涉技术的发展具有重要意义。
宽光谱 高非线性光纤 色散 类噪声脉冲 非线性偏振旋转锁模 Broad spectrum Highly nonlinear fiber Dispersion Noise-like pulse Nonlinear polarization rotation mode-locking 
2022, 51(5): 0514001
1 中国科学院物理研究所 光物理重点实验室,北京 100190
2 上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093
基于差频产生的中红外飞秒光源具有波长调谐范围宽(6~20 μm)、覆盖范围广(整个“指纹区”)和系统复杂程度低等优势,超快光纤激光器驱动的中红外飞秒光源只有差频部分采用了空间光路,进一步提高了系统的稳定性。文中介绍基于超快光纤激光器驱动的光学差频产生长波中红外飞秒脉冲的技术路线,阐述在差频过程中如何通过非线性光纤光学技术(包括超连续谱产生、孤子自频移和光谱滤波技术)产生合适的信号脉冲,并从理论上详细介绍差频过程中提高中红外脉冲功率的方法。
飞秒中红外光源 光纤激光 差频产生 非线性光纤光学技术 中红外晶体 fs mid-IR light source fiber laser difference-frequency generation nonlinear fiber optics technology mid-infrared crystal 
2021, 50(8): 20210368
1 上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院, 上海 200093
2 华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室, 上海 200062
实验搭建了基于分离脉冲放大及光纤非线性压缩的掺铒光纤激光系统。通过三块长度倍增的YVO4晶体进行偏振复用,实现了八脉冲的分离与合成。探究了不同脉冲宽度的注入条件下分离脉冲主放大器的合成效率。将放大后的脉冲耦合入一段单模保偏光纤中进行非线性压缩,通过控制主放大器的抽运光功率和压缩器的光纤长度,对非线性压缩过程进行优化,获得了重复频率为80.4 MHz、平均功率为510 mW、脉冲宽度为55 fs的超短脉冲。最后,采用MgO∶PPLN晶体进行光学倍频处理,在中心波长783.4 nm处获得了平均功率为146 mW、脉冲宽度为75 fs的倍频光,相应的倍频效率为31%。
激光器 掺铒激光器 分离脉冲放大 非线性光纤压缩 自相位调制 
2021, 41(19): 1936001
张静 1,2,*程林 1,2罗传仙 1,2江翼 1,2石悠旖 1,2
1 南瑞集团(国网电力科学研究院)有限公司,江苏 南京 211006
2 国网电力科学研究院武汉南瑞有限责任公司,湖北 武汉 430074
介绍了一种基于分离脉冲的掺铒光纤飞秒激光放大技术及光源装置。该光源采用分离脉冲放大技术将待放大种子脉冲先通过偏振复用方式分割成若干个子脉冲,再由光纤主放大器非线性放大和压缩,从而免去了光栅对或者棱镜对的使用。1.55 μm波段分离脉冲放大技术的特点在于不仅可以有效降低飞秒脉冲放大过程中的光谱非线性畸变,实现无基底的时域脉冲输出,而且可以通过管理泵浦光强度和光纤长度对非线性效应和光谱展宽程度进行精细控制。实验上,研究了主放大器在低非线性条件和高非线性条件下的脉冲放大和压缩效果。其中,在低非线性条件下,主放大器直接输出脉冲宽度830 fs,平均功率3 W的激光,相应峰值功率为36.1 kW;在高非线性条件下,主放大器直接输出脉冲宽度137 fs、平均功率1.54 W的激光,相应峰值功率为112 kW。通过周期极化铌酸锂晶体光学倍频验证了1560 nm飞秒脉冲的对比度,倍频效率最高可达40.3%。
激光技术 激光放大器 掺铒光纤 非线性光纤光学 锁模激光器 
2021, 58(19): 1914001
Author Affiliations
Ultrafast Laser Laboratory, School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Technology (Ministry of Education), Tianjin University, Tianjin300072, China
We numerically and experimentally investigate the multi-pulsing mechanism in a dispersion-managed mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser. Multi-pulsing occurs primarily owing to the inherent filtering effect of the chirped fiber Bragg grating. The spectral filtering effect restricts the spectral broadening induced by self-phase modulation and causes extra loss, leading to a decreased pump power threshold for the multi-pulsing state. Numerical simulations show that multi-pulsing emerges at a lower pump power when the spectral filter bandwidth becomes narrower. In the experiment, the spectral width increases as the net cavity dispersion approaches zero. Pulses with wider spectral widths experience more loss from the spectral filtering effect, leading to a decreased pump power threshold for multi-pulsing. Therefore, the net cavity dispersion also has an impact on the multi-pulsing threshold. Based on this conclusion, we devise a strategy to obtain single-pulsing operation with the shortest pulse width and the highest pulse energy.
fiber optics oscillators nonlinear fiber optics ultrafast lasers 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2021, 9(3): 03000e46
Author Affiliations
1 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Optics Laboratory, Lausanne, Switzerland
2 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices, Lausanne, Switzerland
The performance of fiber mode-locked lasers is limited due to the high nonlinearity induced by the spatial confinement of the single-mode fiber core. To massively increase the pulse energy of the femtosecond pulses, amplification is performed outside the oscillator. Recently, spatiotemporal mode-locking has been proposed as a new path to fiber lasers. However, the beam quality was highly multimode, and the calculated threshold pulse energy (>100 nJ) for nonlinear beam self-cleaning was challenging to realize. We present an approach to reach high energy per pulse directly in the mode-locked multimode fiber oscillator with a near single-mode output beam. Our approach relies on spatial beam self-cleaning via the nonlinear Kerr effect, and we demonstrate a multimode fiber oscillator with M2 < 1.13 beam profile, up to 24 nJ energy, and sub-100 fs compressed duration. Nonlinear beam self-cleaning is verified both numerically and experimentally for the first time in a mode-locked multimode laser cavity. The reported approach is further power scalable with larger core sized fibers up to a certain level of modal dispersion and could benefit applications that require high-power ultrashort lasers with commercially available optical fibers.
fiber lasers spatiotemporally mode-locked lasers multimode nonlinear fiber optics 
Advanced Photonics
2020, 2(5): 056005
Author Affiliations
1 Shenzhen University, Institute of Microscale Optoelectronics, Collaborative Innovation Center for Optoelectronic Science and Technology, Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory of Phosphorene and Optoelectronics, Shenzhen, China
2 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Applied Physics and Photonics, Brussels Photonics, Brussels, Belgium
3 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria
Rogue waves (RWs) are rare, extreme amplitude, localized wave packets, which have received much interest recently in different areas of physics. Fiber lasers with their abundant nonlinear dynamics provide an ideal platform to observe optical RW formation. We review recent research progress on rogue waves in fiber lasers. Basic concepts of RWs and the mechanisms of RW generation in fiber lasers are discussed, along with representative experimental and theoretical results. The measurement methods for RW identification in fiber lasers are presented and analyzed. Finally, prospects for future RW research in fiber lasers are summarized.
fiber lasers nonlinear fiber optics rogue wave 
Advanced Photonics
2020, 2(2): 024001
华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室, 上海 200062
基于非线性放大环形镜,设计了一种全正色散掺镱光纤锁模激光器。在抽运功率为80 mW的情况下,该掺镱光纤锁模激光器可以实现平均功率为7.8 mW的稳定输出。输出激光脉冲的重复频率为9.9 MHz,中心波长为1064 nm,脉冲宽度约为18 ps,相应的光谱宽度为0.18 nm。该激光器具有结构简单、自启动、稳定性高的优点。
激光器 锁模激光器 光纤激光 掺镱激光 非线性光纤光学 
2019, 46(5): 0508025
山西大学物理电子工程学院, 山西 太原 030006
光纤光学 非线性光学 怪波 达布变换 呼吸子 简并 并行传输 
2019, 56(5): 050601

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